4986ORDINANCE NO..________` AN ORDINANCE REGULATING TANK WAGONS OR VEHICLES FOR THE TRANSPORTA- TION OF GASOLINE AND OTHER VOLATILE LIQUIDS WITHIN THE CITY LI ".STS OF THE CITY 0)' LITTLE ROCK AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CIT17 COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LITTLE: ROCK: Section 1. That any tank wagon, truck or other vehicle used for the purpose of transporting of gasoline gnd other volatile liquids within the City lim -ts of the Oity of Little Rock shall comply with the following requirements and regulations before any such carrier shall be allowed to transport same. 1. The name of the owner, agent or representative operating such vehicle shall be conspicuously displayed on each side of tank, with not less than three inch letters. 2. Each vehicle tank shall have a serial number of identifi- cation displayed on tank. phead adjaGent to the fal-1.1mets Or Val; T • .3 Each fill opening sniall be equipped with a tight fitting lid and at no time when filled with gasoline or any other volatile lic;uids shall it be permitted to overflow on outside of tank. y1-- Caution marker shall be placed on all gasoline faucets to distinguish them from kerosend. Volatile liquids ah all be transported only in containers having a tight fitting screw top#, Each vehicle or tank wagon as named herein, shall be provided with not less than two wood bungs for faucet outlets for emergency to use in case of break or leak. 7 * Eaci1 compartment s':jall be equipped with a 'suitable vent which shall always be kept in working order. Each truck or vehicle for the transportation of gasoline or other volatile liquids shall have a drag chain attached thereto for the relief of static electricity and such chain shall be arranged so as to drag when the truck or vehicle is empty as well as loaded. All faucets upon the rear of such truck or vehicle shall be guarded to prevetit their being broken and all such faucets shall be of the locked type or shall have removabl handles which cannot be removed except when the supply is shut off. 6 '9 At least one fire extinguisher or approved type shall be kept upon each such truck or vehicle and shall always be in working order. /1 t� A'1 of the containers carried upon said truck or vehicle shall have close fitting tops and such tops shall always be kept upon the container except when such container is in actual use. ) 11 ` The operator of vehicle tank wagons shall no; leave the unloading faucets unattended while unloading volatile liquids. Section 2. No tank wagon, or tank truck hereinbefore referred to shall under any c .)ndition dispense gasoline or any other volatile liquids from tank wagon or tank truck into any vehicle or truck within the city limits of t11e city of Little Rock, Section.3.. Gasoline,or any other volatile liquid, shall not^be distributed, or delivered in wholesale quantities, to any filling station for storage, or sale or transferred from one vehicle to another, between the hours of 8 :00 P. Mo , and 5 :00 A. M. Section 4. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall, upon conviction, be fined in any sum not less than $25.00 nor more than IP100.00, and the operator of such vehicle shall be responsible jointly with the owner for any violation of this ordinance. Section 5. The passage of this ordinance being immediately necessary in order to properly regulate the sale and transportation of gasoline and other volatile liquids in the city of Little Rock and to prevent loss and damage caused by fires arising from such transportation and distribution an emergency is hereby declared to exist and this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from aj-,d after the date of its passage. Passel— `T'IL 1 3 Attest* +City P / A proved: C k. Mayor. dQW7 LINWOOD BRICKHOUSE C;tv Attorney LEGAL DEPARTMENT CITY OF LITTLE ROCK ARKANSAS April 19,1932 Mr. James Lawson City Collector ` Little ock, "Xkansas Dear Sir: I am enclosing; herewith two copies of an ordinance amending the gasoline ordinance as per the encloses: letter. ^ LLB /EB Encl. WITY OF LITTLE ROCK �4 Date h"193- CALL —CITY COUNCIL— OFFICIAL YEAR 1932 -193 WARDS Names of Aldermen Long Term First Votes II Aye No FIRST WARD Terral, Floyd ' Linwood L. Brickhouse (I 4 -1123 Connor, C. M. John L. Krumm �I 9613 _ SECOND WARD Leiser, H. G. James Lawson I 4 -1278 CHIEF OF POLICE I Tuohey, J. H. J. L. Bennett �I 4 -1234 THIRD WARD I Wassell, Sam M. I JI Charles S. Hafer ,I Muswick, George j CITY HEALTH OFFICER II u FOURTH WARD Adkins, Homer M. 5402 I �� CITY VETERINARIAN Winder, Ray J it ` 5402 FIFTH WARD Olive, A. Geo. D. Ellis Turner, Roy C. CHIEF FOOD INSPECTOR II II SIXTH WARD Duttlinger, C. H. 5402 MEAT INSPECTOR Shoffner, E. G. A. F. Coots +I 6485 SEVENTH WARD Wherry, Geo. R. q l E. L. Gruber �, Adams, George G. /b CITY ELECTRICIAN EIGHTH WARD Conner, Mrs. C. C. 4 -3508 CITY ENGINEER Fisher, Merlin W. H. Marak I 4 -3000 NINTH WARD Scougale, A. • ! R. C. Rudisill Gladden, J. R. SUPT. CITY HOSPITAL II CITY OFFICERS AND DEPART- Lo^EM A S MENT HEADS I Phon -- - MAYOR t Horace A. Knowlton II 4 -8416 I CITY TREASURER Oscar D. Hadfield I 4 -2020 MUNICIPAL JUDGE Harper E. Harb I 4 -3886 II CITY ATTORNEY Linwood L. Brickhouse (I 4 -1123 CITY CLERK I John L. Krumm �I 9613 _ CITY COLLECTOR II II James Lawson I 4 -1278 CHIEF OF POLICE I II J. L. Bennett �I 4 -1234 CHIEF OF FIRE DEPARTMENT Charles S. Hafer ,I 4 -2851 CITY HEALTH OFFICER II Dr. V. T. Webb 5402 CITY VETERINARIAN IL Dr. T. M. Dick ` 5402 MILK AND DAIRY INSPECTOR II Geo. D. Ellis 5402 �y CHIEF FOOD INSPECTOR II II Ewell Hopkins 5402 MEAT INSPECTOR A. F. Coots +I 6485 PLUMBING INSPECTOR I E. L. Gruber �, 4 -3000 II CITY ELECTRICIAN Lester E. Newland II 4 -3508 CITY ENGINEER W. H. Marak I 4 -3000 II _ SUPT. PARKS AND SANITATION II • ! R. C. Rudisill II 6813 �I SUPT. CITY HOSPITAL II H. K. Ford 11 7161 CITY LIBRARIAN II II Miss Vera Snook I 8932 II INSPECTOR WEIGHT—S&—MEASURES J. E. Nothwang l 4 -3508 SUPT. AIRPORT Tosevh A. Young 4 -4460 ,)fficial term of Mayor, City Treasurer, Municipal Judge and appointive officers, expires in April, 1933; City Attorney and City Clerk in April, 1934. (Over) 3