4996ORDINANCE NO. 7 f ;: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 4201 BY THE ADDITION OF ANOTHER SECTION THERETO REGULATING THE-MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE GROSS LOAD IN POUNDS PER WHEEL PERMITTED FOR iTOTOR VEHICLES OPERATING ON THE STREETS OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK: Section 1. That ordinance No. 4201 be amended by adding the following section thereto; Section Motor vehicles operating upon the streets of the City of Little Rock shall not exceed in weight the maximum allowable gross load in pounds per wheel, including the weight of the vehicle, set forth in the following scale. LOW PRESSURE PHEUMATI C RUBBER TIRES and no motor vehicle shall be operated on the streets of this City carrying a heavier load than above shown. SINGLE DUAL MOUNTING MOUNTING Tire One One One Dual One size Tire Axle Tire Tire Axle 5.50 x 20 1470 2740 1470 2790 5 580 6.00 x 20 1680 3360 1680 3190 6380 6.50 x 20 1980 3960 1980 3760 7520 7.00 x 20 2280 4560 2280 4330 8660 7.50 x 20 2520 5040 2520 4790 9580 7.50 x 22 2700 5400 2700 5130 10260 7.50 x 24 2880 5760 2880 5470 10940 8.25 x 20 3060 6120 3060 5810 11620 8.25 x 22 3360 6720 3360 6380 12760 8.25 x 24 8500 7000 3500 6650 13300 9.00 x 18 3600 7200 3600 6840 13680 9.00 x 20 3ZOO 7400 3700 7030 14060 9.00 x 22 3800 7600 3800 7220 14440 9.00 x 24 3850 7700 3850 7310 14620 9.75 x 20 3900 7800 3900 7410 14820 To Maximum 3900 7800 3900 7410 14820 HIGH PRESSURE PNEUMATIC RUBBER TIRES 27 x 3.5 750 1500 750 1430 2860 28 x 4 1000 2000 1000 1900 3800 29 x 4.5 1250 2500 1250 2380 4760 30 x 5 1700 3400 1700 3230 6460 34 x 5 1950 3900 1950 3700 7400 32 x 6 2200 4400 2200 4180 8360 36 x 6 2500 5000 2500 4750 9500 34 x7 2550 5100 2550 4850 9700 38 x7 2600 5200 2600 4940 9880 36 x 8 2650 5300 2650 5040 10080 40 x 8 2700 5400 2700 5130 10260 To Maximum 2700 5400 2700 3130 10260 and no motor vehicle shall be operated on the streets of this City carrying a heavier load than above shown. Nn mo6rF ti` lY 'ere€i. stM_#yams f R vri so d _ bb S. r� Section Any person violating any of the provisions d" of this ordinance shall upon conviction be punished in the Municipal Court by a fine of not less than Ten ($10.00) Dollars nor more than One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars, Passed: AUG 2 9 1932 Approve I Lwlk I , " . x R". r + CITY OF LITTLE ROCK Date 193 ROLL CALL —CITY COUNCIL — OFFICIAL YEAR 1932 -1933 WARDS Names of Aldermen) Long Term First Votes II 5402 Aye I No FIRST WARD Terral, Floyd II II I 6485 PLUMBING INSPECTOR E. L. Gruber Connor, C. M. I 1 !I II II 4 -3508 Leiser, H. G. .� SUPT. PARKS AND SANITATION R. C. Rudisill SECOND WARD Tuohey, J. H. II 1 7161 I, THIRD WARD Wassell, Sam M. �I INSPECTOR WEIGHTS & MEASURES J. E. Nothwang Muswick, George SUPT. AIRPORT I Joseph A. Youn- I 4 -4460 l FOURTH WARD Adkins, Homer M. Winder, Ray I II FIFTH WARD Olive, A. Turner, Roy C. SIXTH WARD Duttlinger, C. H. I II Shoffner, E. G. SEVENTH WARD Wherry, Geo. R. �I /i Adams, George G. EIGHTH WARD Conner, Mrs. C. C. Fisher, Merlin t NINTH WARD Scougale, A. Gladden, J. R. DEPART- Offi Ph I CITY OFFICERS AND MENT HEADS MAYOR Horace A. Knowlton �! l 4 -84 6 CITY TREASURER ! Oscar D. Hadfield !I 4 -2020 II MUNICIPAL JUDGE Harper E. Ha_rb II 4 -3886_ CITY ATTORNEY Linwood L. Brickhouse II 4 -1123 CITY CLERK John L. Krumm 1� 9613 — CITY COLLECTOR James Lawson II II 4- 1278 I, CHIEF OF POLICE II II J. L. Bennett 4 -1234 CHIEF OF FIRE DEPARTMENT Charles S. Hafer II 4 -2851 II CITY HEALTH OFFICER •if_t 1. II !! n canq CITY VETERINARIAN I� Dr. T. M. Dick 5402 II MILK AND DAIRY INSPECTOR II Geo. D. Ellis II 5402 CHIEF FOOD INSPECTOR Ewell Hopkins jl 5402 II I II MEAT INSPECTOR A. F. Coots II II I 6485 PLUMBING INSPECTOR E. L. Gruber 4 -3000 CITY ELECTRICIAN Lester E. Newland !I II II 4 -3508 CITY ENGINEER W. H. Marak 11 SUPT. PARKS AND SANITATION R. C. Rudisill II II 6813 I� SUPT. CITY HOSPITAL H. K. Ford II 1 7161 I, CITY LIBRARIAN Miss Vera Snook II II 8932 �I INSPECTOR WEIGHTS & MEASURES J. E. Nothwang II II ,4 -3508 SUPT. AIRPORT I Joseph A. Youn- I 4 -4460 l AnAl- MAkI TUM ALLC , ' LE GROSS LOAD ITT POUIZS LOW PRESSURE PNEUMATIC RUBBER TIRES HIGH PRESSUPE PI;ETJYATIC RUBBER TIRES 27.3x5 Single 1500 750 Dual 2860 28x4 Mounting 2000 Younting 1000 Tire One One one Dual One Size Tire A` Tire Tire Axle 5.50x20 1470 2940 1470 2790 5580 6,00x20 1680 3350 1680 3190 6380 6.50x20 1930 3960 1980 3760 7520 7.00x20 2280 4560 2280 4330 8660 7.50x20 252C 5040 2520 4790 9580 7.50x22 2700 5400 2700 5130 10260 7.5Ox24 2880 5760 2880 5470 10940 8.25x20 3060 6120 3060 5810 11620 8.25x22 3360 6720 3360 6380 12760 8.25x24 3500 7000 3500 6650 13300 9.00xl8 3600 7200 3600 6,940 13680 9.00x20 3700 7400 3700 7030 14060 9.00x22 3800 7600 3800 7220 14440 9.00x24 3850 7700 3850 7310 14620 9.75x20 3900 7800 3000 7410 14820 To Maximum 3900 7800 3900 7410 14820 HIGH PRESSUPE PI;ETJYATIC RUBBER TIRES 27.3x5 750 1500 750 1430 2860 28x4 1000 2000 1000 1000 3800 29x4.5 1250 2500 1250 2380 4760 3Ox5 1700 3400 1700 3230 6460 34x5 1950 3900 1950 3700 7400 32x6 2200 4400 2200 4180 8360 36x6 2500 5000 2500 4750 9500 34x7 2550 5100 2550 4850 9700 38x7 2600 5200 2600 4940 9880 36x8 2650 5300 2650 5040 10080 40x8 2700 5400 2700 5130 10260 ".o Maximum 2700 5400 2700 5130 10260 The load per axle as above cited shall not be exceeded.. The load on one wheel, either single or dual mounting, may be exceeded in the amount of 10, of the load cited provided the axle load of that mounting is not exceeded. JB. MAXUFILTJ A DLO77bBLI; GROUS LEAD ITT POUNDS Non- pneumatic (�ol_d1 Rubber Tlreo ThP lead per axle as above cited shall not be exceeded. The load on one wheel, either single or dual mounting, .a.y be exceeded in the amount of 10% of the load cited provided the axle load of that mounting is not exceeded. JB. SINGLE M011NTInG DUA1_. ?�'OUAlTING Tire Size One Tire One Axle One Ti -•e Iu�.� TL es One Axle 32 x 3 1560 ?1L, 0 1560 29j5 5930 32 x 3.5 1610 3'220 1610 3060 6120 32 x 4 1660 3320 1560 3155 6310 36 x 4 1660 3320 1660 3155 6310 32x5 1770 3540- 1770 3560 6720 34 x 5 1770 3540 1770 3360 0720 36 x 5 1770 3540 1770 3360 6720 38 x 5 1770 3540 1770 3360 6720 36 x 6 1870 37,110 1870 3550 7100 38 x 6 1870 3740 1870 3550 7100 36 x'7 1980 3960 1980 3760 7520 36 x 10 2290 4580 212190 4350 8700 40 x 10 2290 4580 2290 4350 8700 36 x 12 2500 5000 2500 4750 9500 To lgaximum 2500 5000 2500 4750 9500 ThP lead per axle as above cited shall not be exceeded. The load on one wheel, either single or dual mounting, .a.y be exceeded in the amount of 10% of the load cited provided the axle load of that mounting is not exceeded. JB. � a sr r The above loadins are calculated from the formula.: Maximum total load _ 25000 r 650 D ';:here D = Distance in feet between the outer axles of the group of consecutive axles that are under consideration. lliaximum gross loadings for motor vehicles, either single units or a combination of units, or for any group of consecutive axles in such unit or units, based on the distance in feet between the cuter axles of any group .:)f consecutive axles that are considered. Distance Va.ximum Distance P ?aximum Distance Plaximum in feet total in feet total in feet total between load on between load on be tween load on outer axles outer axles outer axles axles con- axles con- axles con- considered s idered con- idered r s i_der ;d cor,�3 idered s idered 3 26950 29 43850 55 60750 4 27600 30 44500 56 61400 5 28250 31 45150 57 62050 6 28900 32 45800 58 62700 7 29550 33 46450 59 63350 8 30200 34 47100 60 64000 9 30850 35 47750 61 64650 10 31500 36 48400 62 65300 11 32150 37 49050 63 65950 12 32800 38 49700 64 66600 13 33450 39 50350 d5 67250 14 34100 40 51000 66 67900 15 34750 41 51650 67 68550 16 35400 42 52300 68 69200 17 36050 43 52950 69 69850 18 36700 44 536C0 70 70500 19 37350 45 54250 71 71150 20 38000 46 54900 72 71800 21 38650 47 55550 73 72450 22 39300 48 56200 74 73100 23 39950 49 56850 75 73750 24 40600 50 57500 76 74400 25 41250 51 58150 77 75050 26 41900 52 58800 78 75700 27 42550 53 59450 79 76350 28 43200 54 60100 80 77000 The above loadins are calculated from the formula.: Maximum total load _ 25000 r 650 D ';:here D = Distance in feet between the outer axles of the group of consecutive axles that are under consideration. , , r IIQJi IL`I" GROSS LOj DT, GS BASED ON .tub,.`: S2;. -C .Ulowable axle lords by tire sizes Front axle - # % %GG Each rear axle - 14620# EXAMPLr' I So none of the axles are overloaded. A single Tires B C Dual Tires AV . r Consider axle spacing Three axles s -_, B and C Total load = 7700�13800�13800 = 35300# Total distance A to C = 15.25 /4.33 19.58' Table shoes that Distance of 19.0' will allow total load of 37350# so truck is not overloaded on basis of length A to C. 9.00 x 24 9.00 x 24 Two Axles B and C Total load = 1380013800 = 27600# Total distance B to " = 4.33' Table sho:,!s that distance of 4.0' will Ellow tots.l load of 27600# so truck is not overloaded on basis of length B to C. EXAYPLE II 12 .0 3 0. Of T4.0 �- 6100,4 11e00;� 11b00j;` 11000,, A B C D Single Tires Dual Dual Tires Tires 8.25x20 8.25x20 8.25x20 .Lllowable axle loads by tire sizes Front axle - 6120# Truck rear axle - 11620# Each trailer axle - 11620# So none of the axles are overloaded. Gonsider axle spacing Four axles A, B, C and D Total load = 6100�11600�11600�11600 _- 40900# Total distance A to D = 12.0/10.04.0 _ 26.0' Table shows that 26' will allow total load of 41900# so load is 01.- on basis of length A to D. Three Axles B, C and D Three 2I.xles A, B and C Total load = 11600�11600� Total load = 6100 11600/11600 = 29300# 11600 _ 34800# Total dists.rce A to C = 12.010.0 = 22.0' Total distance to D = 10.0 T <. :'ele shows that 22' will allow tot,*;l load 4.0 = 14.0' of 39300# so loF.d is OK on basis of length Table shows thLt 14' will .11ow A to C. total loz.;d of only 34100# so truck is overloaded on basis Two Axles A and ?3 of length from B to D find it Total loud = 6100 11600 = 17700# will be necessary to reduce Total distance A to B = 12.0' the load on these 3 axles to Table shows that 121 will fellow total load 34100 #. of 32800# so lo,-_d is OY, on basis of length A to B. Two Axles C and D. Total load = 11600 11600 = 23200# TotU distance C to D = 4.0' TL.ble show .rs that 4.0' will f;.11ow tot -1 lo, -d of 27600# so lo.--.d is OK on be.sis of length C to D.