4998�'t � M ,.,g►, fi ORDINANCE NO.-44 7 Z AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE SCHEDULE OF RATES AID CHARGES FOR 3ATURAL GAS SERVICE FURNISHED BY THE LITTLE ROCK GAS AND FUEL C0141PANY TO THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK AND THE I'MABITANTS THEREOF, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. BE IT ORDAIN4 BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Section 1. That the schedule of rates for natural gas furnished by the Little Rock Gas and Fuel Company to the City of Little Rock, and the inhabitants thereof, be and the same is hereby fixed, as -,ereinafter set forth, the same tp �•�a+� Co into effect from and after A •�`� a P! ,.� .� ) , qk ? except for present consumers, for which the rates will become effective with the last reading of the meters in the month of Section 2. SCHEDULE; OF RATES:.. Said Little Rock Gas and F a.el Company shall not txharge �or receive for natural gas sold to consumers within the limits of the City a higher rate than the following: For the first 200,000 cubic feet used in any one location in any one fiscal month........ 55¢ per thousand For all over 200,000 cubic feet used in any one location in any one fiscal month....... 25¢ per thousand Provided, however, that a discount of ten (10) per cent shall be allowed if paid within ten days from date the bill is rendered by said company. And provided further that the minimum charge for gas service to each consumer shall be One Dollar ($1.00) per month. Section 3. The City shall, as soon as practicable, be divided by said company into three districts; which shall be 4 'AV Page 2 - Ordinance No. //? / Cont'd. as nearly equal as "Iracticable in the number of consumers therein, r said districts shall be numbered respectively "first," "second," and "third." A bill shall be rendered by said company to every consumer in the district numbered "first" on or before the nth of each month; in the district numbered "second" or before on/the 15th of each month; in the district numbered "third" on or before the 25th of each month, for the gas cons-avned by such consumer during the period covered by said bill. Upon payment or tender by consumer of the bill rendered to hire -:Mithin ten days after the time fixed for rendition of same such consumer shall be entitled to a discount of ten (10) per cent, except as above provided .,no monthly pay;cent shall be less than one dollar. Section 4. Ordinance +Io. 3356 and and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith and this ordinance shall take effect and be i after z/I /3a, 192_. Passed: Sf,ZI,i Approv ttest: x erK." _ __ CITY OF LITTLE R K .� 193- - Date COUNCIL — OFFICIAL YEAR 1932 -1933 ROLL CALL —CITY 'Names of Aldermen Votes No II WARDS Long Term Firet Ay/ I — Terral, Floyd FIRST WARD Connor, C. M. Leiser, H. G. SECOND WARD Tuohey, J. H. ` Wassell, Sam M. THIRD WARD Muswick, George - - - - -- - - Adkins, Homer M. FOURTH WARD Winder, Ray Olive, A. FIFTH WARD Turner, Roy C. — _ -- Duttlinger, C. H. SIXTH WARD Shoffner, E. G. - -- - - -- -- -- Wherry, Geo. R. Y SEVENTH WARD Adams, George G. 3 I - - - - -- Conner, Mrs. C• C• - - EIGHTH WARD Fisher, Merlin II Scougale, A. NINTH WARD Gladden, J. R• REMARKS CITY OFFICERS AND DEPART- Off* I MENT HEADS MAYOR �I Horace A. Knowlton 4 -8416 CITY TREASURER I i 44020 II Oscar D. Hadfield MUNICIPAL JUDGE II 4 -3886 II Harper E. Harb - -- - -- CITY ATTRNEY O II 4_1123 I� Linwood L. Brickhouse II CITY CLERK _ 9613 it John L. Krumm - -- CITY COLLECTOR 4 -1278 II James Lawson -- _ CHIEF OF POLICE �I 4_1234 II DEPARTMENT J. L. Bennett II II CHIEF OF FIRE Charles S. Hafer 4_2951 JI CITY HEALTH OFFICER �+ 5402 111 Dr. V. T. Webb --- jl CITY VETERINARIAN 5402 II I= Dr. Y INSPECTOR MILK AND DAIRY II 5402 �� Geo. D. Ellis II CHIEF FOOD INSPECTOR 11 5402 II Ewell Hopkins _ -- MEAT INSPECTOR 6485 II II A. F. Coots PLUMBING INSPECTOR II 4 -3000 II E. L. Gruber CITY ELECTRICIAN Lester E. Newland II II II 4 -3508 CITY ENGINEER II 4_3000 II W. H. Marak SUPT. PARKS AND SANITATION III 6813 R. C. Rudisill I SUPT. CITY HOSPITAL 7161 I� H. K. Ford CITY LIBRARIAN 8932 II Miss Vera TS &MEASURES II I - - -- II INSPECTOR WEI J. E. Nothwang I,I 4 3508 III SUPT. AIRPORT Joseph A. Young 4 -4460 II officers, expires in April, Municipal Judge and appointive Treasurer, Official term of Mayor, City Clerk in City 3 -0 April, 1934. s 1933; City Attorney and (over) `.:.J LITTLE RO(3H GAS & FUEL COMPANY LITTLE Rocx,ARKANSAS July 5, 1932. Mr. John L. Kramm,City Clerk Little Rock, Arkansas. Dear Sir: This will acknowledge receipt of yours of the lst instant enclosing certified copy of proposed ordinance en- titled - "AN ORDINANCE REPEALING THAT PAi.T OF ORDINANCE NO. 3356, COMMONLY KNO-0 AS A MONTHLY SERVICE CHARGE ". RNC S ,A/ L RECEIVED and F1LEC JuL 6 19r2 JOHN L, KR UMM CITY CtZRK Yours very truly, General Manager. TRANSCRIPT or COMIC [L PROCEEDINGS ORDINANCES F,Tc. IN RF.- LITTLE GAS & FUEL V7, OF MATES CHARGES ETC. k.'F TIATURAI GAS. DAM SEPTER 22 193" LITTLE: R0CY#'-ARY!;AAS. i I - COUNOIL RECORD — W 613 Council Chamber - Little :took, Arkansas 8 P. ?z., May 23rd, 1972, Council 'convened in regular session, 1,11ayor Horr.,,ce A. Knowlton )residiriF� and the followirW:, Aldermen present: Cow-ior, �erral, Tuohey, Muswick,, 16as-sells Turner, Olive, 1)Uttlinvcr, Adams, Wherry, Fisher, UTs. Conner, Gladden, and Scougale r total 14. There being a :,,uorunt )rerent. th(-, following nroceedingEl were had: U-pon motion of Alderman Muswick, seconded by Alderman Duttlinger, the reading of the minutea of VIC --:)Teviouo meeting was dispenaed with. prgre 017 There was then presented an ordinance entitled: An 011DINATICE REQ`,jI71117101 THY, FILING AND 1,,,r1BL1CATj(..JT BY TILE LITTLE ROCK GAS & FUEL =&Anl OF A IWIR)RM SCBFDUU OF RATES. TO BE CHAJIGED ALL CONSIRMS OF GAS IN THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK BASED UPON THY, qUANTITY OF GAS CUNSTUMD MONTHLY, AND FUR OTHER PURPOSY.G. Whioll ordinance gas read the first time in its entirety. Upon motion of Alderman Gladden, seconded by Alderman 'Wherry, the orclAnance vyas ordered referred to the Utilities Commjtter� for their investi-ation and recommendation. yu N 01RDINANCE N04 AN 0'MITTAIME UqUIRING THE FILING AMID BU13LICATION BY THE LITTLE TWOK GAS & FM CUMPANY OF A UNIWRM SC'MIYULN OF RATES TO 13E ALL CONGMItS OF GAS IN TIMI CITY OF LITTLIG ROCK BASED U.11011 TIM" (4 'ANITITY OF GAS 00Y.NSUMED VONTHLY1 AAD FUR UTMI PUM-USES2 I BE IT 01RDAINED 13Y THIS '0J17"Y' COU1,MIL OF TUN CITY OF LITTLE :IOCXS A.X"SkSt Se4ion 1. That vilthin thirty (30) days from the paes,7,ge of this ordinance the Little ;','.Ook Gar, & Riel Com),a-ny is hereby directed to file with the city Clerk wvd. to Jqm publish in Moms &-Aly newspaper oizm-lated in the city of Little �0ck a iuiiform fixed schedule of rates to br, charcred 00TIM-U-fterts of nt -,turrn-1 gas in this city, said rates to be bared on the qu=tity of gas conmmed monthly, and uw)Ozi no other bsxis. All G-v3 sold wad charges made shy 1 tjieretl.�fter be in acoordv;,ace with aUd imblished schedule. Said schedule of rates shall remain in force until a new ached-ale s)isll h,.!,ve been filed and !,-)ublished by the snid Little 40ok Gas & No euch new sche&,,le shn1l be filibd until the Little 'Rock One & niel Conippzy hao seoared the consent of the City Council,, or other (hily wathorized �-,;overnlng or reguletl% body. Section 2. That all ordinanca6 or �larte of ordins-Aices here- tofo=e eaacted are hereby repealed only inQof,,,)-r as they conflict with this ordl=aice. Section 3. 77his ordin=ce shall be in full- force and effect from --.-ad Ifter the date of ,.naasage. Passed this day of 19,72. jkPP--R,6T4D ATTEEST: cl "Try, Merrc Mayor COUNCIL � -ECQRD -X page 1 Council Chamber Little stook, Ark- ^nszns 9 o'clock P.M. . June 27, 1932. Council convened in regalsx see, sign, Mryor Horace A. Knowlton nresiding and the following .Aldermen present: Terral, Cunancr, Leiser, Tuohey, Wassell, 1,1[txnwiak, Olive, D ttlinjer, Choffner, =sherry, - &dams, Mrs. Conner, Fisher, aoougaie, and Gladd -en - total 15. were had.: There being a quorum present, the following proceedings iU-)on motion of A- 1de:rman 1 ,1umoi ck, seconded by Alderman Gladder -, the re -Ring of the minutes of the t�,revious meeting was di eneed with. page 4 P-jid 5. on Pty 23rd, 1932 a Y)roposed ordinance was reed the first time nnd. referred to the Utilities Committee -Ath reference to the filing -%nd. - iubliention by the Little `took Gas and Fuel Com -iiwiy of a uniform schedule of rates to be charged all consumers of gas in the City of Little ';oak based can the gvistntity of gas conm -tied monthly. The action -;:to taken by the utilities Committee resulted in ra -roponed ordinance being; s'=_1 witted on June 27th, 1932 entitled: AN Vt ITANCE DITLEO I M TIM, LITTLE RUCK CAS & )TIEL 002-b'ANY TO FILE ��°I` H TI-7 CITY COUITGIL A SCRE DUIX OF Vi {, IL S ClUk -G FOR IM SALE OF GAS IN TRY CITY OF LIT TLE ROCK. ;74nd reo©o,endi.z the ;)asa ;e of the ordinance as nronosed laud returned by the Utilities Committee on Junes 218t, 1932, signied by Aldermen Conner, Way.sell., 3'usviiak, and Scougale of the Utilities 0owittee. The; first pro - Dosed, ordinance is ria.kesd Tao. 1 - the second aroDosed ordinance is marked No. 2. The recomn�,.endation of the utilities Committee eras not adopted prior to the filing, by Alderman Terrsl of Ordinance Teo. 4979 entitled, ANT O RDIYA CE RK11EALIN'G ORDINANCE NO. 4802 A- PP!1OVED DECEMBER Wit 1930, AND FOR OVER FWU`()3XS* E Itich discussion arose an to the ordixarnice first submitted to the corm.i.ittee, the prop s oed ordinrxce submitted by the 11tilittes Com- mittee in lieu of the ori(A,nal pro*-)osed ordinance and also ordinn.nee No. )M9 sponsored by 14r. 'Terral. Ordiraace Roo 479 was read in its entirety for the first time end upon raoti,'-)n of Alderman Terralg seconded by Alderman Shoffner, the males ivere mis7,-exided and the ordin,,,zzoe recd the second time. Alderman Leiser made the inibstit-ate motions seconded by Alderuirun Gladden; that the proposed ordinances now mrixked 1,2, f-md 3 be referred to the Utilities Co=littee for investigation. A roll Ball was ordered on the ru�xbstitute motion to refer to the Utilities aoimnittee, and the substitute motion was lost by the followin�, roll cealt Noes Terral, Connor, Tuoheyq Vlassell, Olives Dui tliager, Shaffner, VIherry, Adams, Mrs, Conner, Fisher, ScouLeale and Gladden to4.-,--1 14; Ayer, - Leis(,-.r - Totr-.1 1; Absent aund riot votintr, - Adkins, ',iinder, -aid Turner - tot,?-1 3- Whereu;)on, the Chairman decl,-.xed the substitute motion to refer was lost. 1pon motion of Aldermwi Terral. seconded by Aldt:rman Gladden, the ralec, were again suspended and the ordinaace read the third and last time and the aye Laid no vote taken upon the q-estlono shall the ordinance -)&set the result being ae followel Ayes - Terr%11, Connor, Leiser, Tuoheyo llassello 1-T-tievick, Olive, Duttlini;er, s'hoffner, -v,%errys Adams, Mxc. Conner, Fisher, Scouj;ale ;uid Gladden - total 15; Noes - none.; Absent *nd riot votin(f, - Adkin.so 'Y Viader, and Turner - totri-I 3. V11iereupon, on-id orflinance was declared -,,�)assed. There war, theh PreE�ented 'Iesolution, No, 1268 entitledt VVIMPFASI UNDEIR 11M PROVISIONS OF 01U)ITIANCIL 110. 4802 THE LITTLE ROCK GAS & I= COMPANY 13 PT-IMITTED TO ENTEAZ IITTU SEPA;?,ATB PRIVATE CONTRACTS WITH INDUST-.RIAL CONSUIJERS WITHIN THE CITY OF LITTLE 110CKp AAKkXSAS. Said 'Resolution being sponsored by Alderman Terr-�.l. Upon motion of Alderman Terrn.11 seconded by Alderman Shoffner, after mucl� dis- cussion on the .)art of merry of the Alderman nreselts the resolution virts unanimously adopted. There was then presented an ordinance entitled: OF OT DINANCE NO. AN 0BUDINANCE TREPEALITIG THAT PART 11 313561 C01,t,,aG'NLY KNOWN AS A MONTHLY SERVICE CHARGE. This ordinance an proposed wrs read in ite entirety for the first time and referred to the Utilities Committee upon motion of Aldermnan Terral, seconded by Aldertrkaun Gli-Aden. ORDINANCE 110# 0 AN UT�j,';AMCE DIRNOTIT10 THE LITTLE -I)CK GAS & MEL COMPANY TO VILE WITH ;K CITY COMIL A'SOMMULE OF ALL Xt"ITS G.IVMED rOR TM BALE OF GA3 IN MI CITY OF LITTLr, max. O'. BE, IT O'.IDAI?TXD BY Im. t[ TX aouxm OF M.' CITY OF LITTLE ROOM Section 1. That the Little Hook Gas & Fuel Cormwny is hereby directed to file Ath the City Clerk a schedule of all rates to be charged by it to oonr,=err. of in the City of Little Rook. Section 2. The provisions of this ordinance shall not rw�)ev-1 nny ordi=nce or resolution 'heretofore adobted 'prescribing or fixing rates, but shm-11 be mumlative thereto. 000tion 3. This ordinmee aha'.11 be in force %nd Vike effect from W after the date of its n- ass age, Pasted: Attest: Ap, proveds ryour omwk= iw. 4.979 jkM OTMINANCE PEALING UIRDINATME NO. 11W102p X(3PR0141D DECEIA-BEA 8th, 19301 JUM rJ" ()THT�`,- M IT WWAXIMI) BY THE CITY COUNCIL UIF TIB" OITY OF LITTLL IRGIOX9 AHKANOAA So,,atjon 1. TMA all ,)ublic utilitier, %igagre(i in fiLvniall-iing publio ixtility GerviCe in the City of Little ",ock shall almrge a uniform rate for such service. section 2. 'hat any public 11tilitY ViC Atin-F, t110 'PxOvisiOns of this or(linance chall be deemed guilty of a misdem.annor, : nd u-pon conviction, sl-mll be fined in any mtm not less- than One Rwidred Doll;jrs (S100.00) nor more than Five It"aared Dollars (t500.00), 3nd each day said ordinaxice ip, violated shall con. atitute a separate offense. Section 3. Tlv--t Ordinnonce mo. 46o2t approved December Oth" 1930t and entitled # An Urdixvixioe Oban..le in Schedule of nates of Little ,Zonk Gas & Fuel 00rVrJ1V. to InduntritV1. Constwers" is LjeTeoy specifically repealed and this ordinance shF-21 tnke effect and be in fLL11 force :ErO.M wid %fter its passage. P,--togedt June 27, 1932, Attont: Jolm L, KrUMM City Clerk. F127d Terral Vetoed 6/30/32 Knorlton Lt,-,y o r, RESOLUTION NU. 12Ei I YKETWASs under the provisions of OrdiftarIce NO- 4602 the Little Rock Gas & Fuel Comnany Is permitted to enter into separate private contracts rith industrip.1 comers within the City of Little Rocko Arkansmaq and M -)laint is being mane tk.-.t contr,-�,cts on- .71T-ri ko, com, tered into 1-Mder said ordin-r-ilice are unfair and disoximinatory in fact and a.-,.,e highly secretive, ' o V10 TIVIILEFDI, )Re it iesolved by the City Couneil. J of the City of Little -locks, Arkvnsan, that the Little Rock Gas ek Fuel CoiapEuiy be, and it in he.--eby recpaired to file with the City Clerk of the City of Little Rocks Alk-annas, vithin ten days from t#is date, V. mn ',lete list of all oontracts entered into by It with industrikiJ. usern under the ,rovisions of Ordinance No. #'W20 ,,Ja list to show the rimes of the conmamers, the nsture of ite business, average monthly consumption of g;;.P by such cons=P-r-b ate. the rate chaxgee, pnd collet,,ted for ouch fuel; toerether -odth a P ED cop A. ,y ()j" any contrnet k.ased by it with said industrial consumers. Adoptedi June 27, 1932 Attest= Approved: John L. Krumm City cleft. A. Xnowlton Mayor. W ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE iWEALING THAT FART OF tJ 01NAx3CE NO. 3356v COXMONTLY MinT AG) A MONTHLY SERVICE CHARGE. BE IT UatDAI :D BY THE CITY 00 CIL OF TIV CITY OF LITTLE ROCKSAi MSACS SECTION 1. That the follovin€, paragraph in Ordinance No. 3356 is hereby repealed. "In addition to the foregoing rates each oonewder in wny one location shall pay flat rate of 500 per fiscal month, or any part thereof, for e.-,oh month that his pi,'?cs axe connected with the distributing pipes of said co wpa y and gns is turned on so that such consumer may have the opportunity of ,leiruZ it ;,tirin -g th %t month or so.*ne onxt of it. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its -nassage. Passed: Atteet City Clerk AlInrovedt �,,.Yor a CMiTIFICATE STATE OF JUtKANS", COUNTY OF PULE,,: J'IlY lo 1932 The Little Rock Gas and niel Co. 01tv Gentlement I ro enclosing a certified co-7 of rn ordinance which has been -)roposed entitled: AN ORDINA,4CE REPEALING THAT PART OF 0-11DINANCE NO. 33561 COI&CXLY KNOWN AS A MONTHLY SynVIcE cHkftaL, . The records show that it was re,-ul in ito entirety for the first time and referred to the Committee on June 27th, 1972. j KL i *t,V,,J t Kindly -.cIcaowled-,,(-- receipt. cv,xro trialy. 12 LITTLE TIUCK GAS & YUBL COMPANY LITTLE RUCK# AIM AITSAS July 5, 1932• Mr, John L. Krwnri,City Clerk Little Hock, Arkansas. Dear Sir :. This will mcl howled, a receipt of yours of the act instant enolosing certified copy of proposed ordinance entitled — NAN OUVITAHOE 1WEALING THAT PAPT OF URDITIA "'CE NO- 3356, COM UNLY KNOMT AC A MONTHLY SERVICE CHA1GE". Yours very truly, (slim) W. Curron General M Lr er. 10C S Received and Filed. July 6,1932. John L. Krum, City Clerk. 13 COUNCIL RZOORD — X -page 7 Council Chamber Little Rock, krkrns s 8 P-TA. July 119 1932. Council convened in regular session, 1,tayor 111orace A.. Knowlton presiding and the following aldermen present: Terr€l, Leiser, Tuohey, Waesell, Mun ick: Olive, Turner, Duttlinger, Ghoffnerr, Wherry, Adams, Mrs. co=er, Scougale, and gladden — total 14. were ha,dt There beinf; a quorum present, the following proceedings Upon motion of Alderwn Ntuswick, seconded by Alderman Wa.ssell, the reptdin€; of the minutes of the irevious meetirq wa'�s dispensed with. There was then prec-ented the `4- :,.yorf s veto message of Ordinance No. 4979, re!' Ing in words and figures rx. followst Honorable Members of City Council.: I am vetoing Ordinance No. 4979, entitled "An Ordinance 4epe :.ling Ordinance 4902, Apprllnred December &, 1930, and for tither Purposes," which ordinance passed by you June 27, 1932. If this ordinance reduced the price of gas to any consu��r one cent this action would not be taken. To the contrary, I am informed by thos n.ffected that it would e n a�n increase to tip industries in this City, who -are solely affected by the ordinruice, of from #30,000 to $65tO00 in fuel cost if the regular price is restored, And the gas bill of not one person, fire, or nor-)Oration will be red -.zced one -penny. I Pm. most certainly in favor of % rP, *acti;::n in utility rates along various lines, but I am Rlso strongly in favor of ennouragement of our local indostries. The laundries, packing; houses, Gil mills, cotton compress etc.,. would have their g;�.s rate increased by this ordLce, and I cannot see where any advantage would accrue to . our City by increasing the o mrating expenses of these local industries $30tOOO to $65,000 per year in fdel coat. We are honing to make this an inviting; field for Industries, yet one of our recognized hindrances is fuel cost. I aw: a , )roving Resolution Igo. 1268, which requirep copies of all contracts °With industrial users and the Little Rook Gras and Fuel Corr)any to be filed Yrith the City Clerk in ten days, where they will be available to the public. Monday night there was introduced by Alderman Terre,l an ordinance repealing the 50 dent monthly service charge embraced in the schedule of rates of the Little !. ock Gas and Fuel Corn =?any, which was referred to the Public Utilities Cor ittee. I am ar.;re the Committee will move as ex- seditiously as legally possible in consideration of that ordinance and give further consideration to amendment of the rates, and report their finding back to the Council, but ;)endings P. final settlement o� rates with the Gas Company I do not think our local inxtastries should be required to =ay higher fuel raster than have been ex- istent under Ordinance No, 4W2. That is my sole reason for this veto. respectfully submitted, (signed) h..A.Knowiton Mayor. 14 Much comment was ra,--).de on the -)rxt of anumber of the Alderman and courtesy of the floor was estended Mr. A. C. Jones of the Colonip-1 Bakery, Mr. Maef;ery of Massery Laundry, and Mr. Alexander of the Irwoerial Laundry, the last three named supporting the Mayor's veto. Coputients by the Aldermen were both for and against the veto, Motion w,,.a made and nut by Alderman Muswicks seconded by Alderman Gladden, that the Mayor's veto be trastained. A roll call was ordered the rewUt being, as follows: Ayes — Leiser# Tuohey, Wassell, MusWick, Clive, Turner, Duttlinger, Wherry, Adams, Mrs. C.Q. Conner, Scougale, and 01,,%dden — tot,-,A 12; Hoes — Terr,,)l and Shoffner — Total 2; Absent andnot voting — Connor, Adkins, Iffinder, and Fisher — total 4. Whereupon, the Chairman declared the Mayor's veto was subtained. is. COUNCIL -RECORD - X pa6e 32 Council Chamber Kittle liocJk, A- 3cansa.s . "P.M. Se- tember 12,1932 Council Convened in regular session, being called to order by City Clerk, John 14. Xrumm, roll call t$ken, reinat follows-, Terr l., Constar, Leiser, T�iohey, Sias eli, Yunwirk, Adkins, Finder, Olive, 11-Lirner, aattlinger, Ghoffner, Wherry, Adaizis, Y.rf :. Gunner, Fisher, , c 0uf �le, and Gladden. The Clerk announced that Mayor 310r> .ae A. Ymowlton was at this time at t` - nahington, D.C. in connection with the neconatr j.ction Finance Cor,3oration login �,nd that it would be neoesspry at thip time to norain -ate - °.nd. elect -,,. member of the preec =lit Council to &at as Chfti.rm,%n of this nesting and also to serve an noting Mayor tuttii Mayor Knowlton's .retttrn. Ald.emFm Eus,.ick move(!, seconded by Nldena n Duttlingerr that Alderman 13asC ell. serve In the capacity of Chaim an pncl actin; Mayor, that the nomina.tionts be dealmreO closed, and that he be elected by raclamati.on. This , . ; done, thn refit being eighteen rVes, no noes, unanimously adopted, and Alderman 14aarel.l Ins declared elected. There being; a (quorum present, the following T)roce+eciings were had: 1,,e 37 and 38. In aorLqecition with reduction in the matter of natural gas rates, the records reflect that on June 27th, 1932 there was sub- mitted an ordinaacse entitl.edi AN 01- IMINANON T�.EPI —ALIT G •1'TI&T .' &- T OF t.!- THI�t�.';t'F �3t;. 3356 Co�C�NLY AS A MONTHLY GEC €VICE CHA41rY.. This ordinnxice was read in its entirety for the first time nand referred to the Utilities Coznr;ittee on June 27th, 1332. tinder date of Jitly 5th the City Clerk receive0. acknowledgements from the Little Zook Gas ennd Fuel Company in regard to the above ordin .nee havlM be ±n submitted to Council. As a substitute for the original ordinemnce submitted to the Utilities 'ton- littee, this oom€nittec re- turned on Geptembcr lot, 1932 Ordinance No, 4995 entitled: AN Of- WINANCF FIXING THE 3C11EDULE OY I)v,',73 IM 01iA tGES FOH NAT=MkL GAG SERVICE FiTIMISTIED BY THE LITTLE 1W)CE GAG AND FUEL COMPANY To THE CITY OF LITTLE; ROCK AND THN INHABITMITS WE EOF, AND FUR UTIO -M. 16 p"JUe OSE'$, This ord.inr:mce beaxInL; the reeoiim endation of the Utilities Co nittee, re z int :_x followst "Utilities COMIt�teF3 rcoomt1enc?s ,p-d..s c,4,e of the At hin orE.�.incvioe,. # signed by adermen San 1% W spell, C. 14. Qonner, ,S. Gladden, R. 4. Turner, Geo. Muswick, and. A. Scoug le dated September lst, 1972. .Alderman Truohey Moved, seconded by Alder► z -Wherry, that the proposed ordinruice be referred to the utilities Comnittee for a recormlen&ntion sijidlar to the recom.iendation trabirtitted by t1he Utilitiee Com.-tittee in connection with the tele�)hone reduction ordinance. Alderman Terrs.l made the substitute motion, seconded '.y Alderr&%n 133hoffner, t1mt the ordint-lAQe be read for the first tire, and this w %s done, By wirniiaoito vote of the members of the Council a °;rere)at, being seventeen in ntzmbor ,end rdore than two- tuird.s of the metiibers of the Councsil elect, -t -)on motion of Alderm --n Connor, seconded by Jkldermsn 1hisw'ick, the rules were suspended ^.xtd the ordinn.ace rer-A the second tinc, r-nd` by vxnmII.im53'as vote of the members of the Council prevent, being seventeen in number rad more t1on, two - thirds of the Cowicil elent, upon motion of &ldermrn Connor, seconded by .Aldernuan ",urn .ck, the rides were again sus ended . the ordinano+e re,:td the third -.ui i last tine and the mye. and no vote t akett upon the question, Shall the ordiancpe >ase, the retridt being, Fts fol1owst .yen - Terra!, Connor, Leiner, Tu.phey, 'lassell, 1fts i -ick, 114kins, Winder, Olive, Turner, Shof fner, ilierry, NdFutis, ,I rr. Comm cr, rigsy -tr, : 00agale, and Gladden - 17; tmea - none.; Absent ;:.,nd not voting,; - € uttlir er - Tot i 1. VTheren =on, said ord.iazince wt.-s declared prised. 17 ORMAITCE NO- �229 AN 01=111AICE FIXING THE SCREDULE OF RATES AND CHARGES M-t NATURAL GAS SE"WICE TU',MISIMD 13Y TFE LITTLE ROCK GAS AND FUEL 00HPANY TO THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK AND THE INHABITA1,1TS TIMRIEUF, AND FONT OTHER MPOSES. B1 IT ORDAITTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LITTLE C),OCK, ARKANI SAS t Section 1. That the schedule of rates for natural gas furnished by the Little Rock Gas and Fuel Corrr)any to the City of Little vzd the inhabitants thereof, be and the same is hereby fixed, as hereinafter set forth, the same to go into effect from and after 30 days after the date of the Pans.-�,Ce r of the ordinmee or September 12,, 1932 exae, pt for -.)resent con. si=ers, for which the rates aril *) become effective with Vie last reading; of. the meterp in the Plonth of 00tobero 1932. Section 21. E1WED11.11; OF Said Little 'Rock Gas and Fuel Cbmp4ny shall not charge for domestic purposes nor reoeive for natural C,-w sold to conmuaers luithin the Iii ts of the City a higher rate than the followingt For the first 200,000 cubic; feet used in any one location in any one fiscal month......... 55# Per thousand For LA11 over 200#000 cubic feet used in any one location in nny -,.,,ne fiscal month ....... 250 !)er thousand Provided, however, that a discolmit of ton (10) per cent shall be allowed if paid within ten days from date the bill is rendered by said com)any. And providdd further that the minimum charge for gas service to enoh conv;umer shall be One Dollar (01.00) pear month. Section 3. The City shall, as soon an 'Practirablet be divided by said comnany into three districts; which shall be as nearly equal As practicable in the number of constmers therein which said districts shall be numbered respectively "first," *second," and "third ." A bill shall be rendered by said company to every consumer in the din'triot numbered "first" on or befol,.e the 5th of each month; in the district mmbpred "second" on or before the 15th of each month; in the district nninbered *third* on or before the 25th of each month, for the gas consumed by such Mwe" Page 2 — IIrdinance goo. - Cont ' d. consumer during ttLe period eovered by said bill. Upon payment or tender by eonsmAer of Vie bill rendered to him within ten days after the time fixed for rendition of same such consumer shall be e=ntitled to a. discount of ten (10) --►er cent, except as above provided in Section 2, no Monthly payment shall be leas than one dollar. Section 4. Ordinance No. 3356 and all other ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed and this ordinance shs.11 take effect nnd be in farce from and a- ter Passed= September 12, 1932. Approvedt Attestt Sam '" 1,74assell acting M yor. John L. Krum City Clerk. 19 STATE OF AYTWISAS COUNTY OF I � B.S. CITY OF LITTLE 1RUCK) 2xRTIFIC1&TE 1, John L. Kriunm,, City Clerk of said City aforemeld do hereby certify that I num the duly elected City Clerk of 9,%id City of Little 1Ionko Arkansas ar. and from APrIl 5the 19329 and I (to hereby further certify that the attached co*oy of Ordinance No, 499 Is a t-me md correct cony of said Ordinance parr;ed by the City Ommeil o-v the City of Little '.'Look convened in reg,.ilar se^slon on the 12-th Day of September, 1932t and s,-Ad Ovdimmone f-lpl)ear of record in Ordinmee Ilecord No. 10., City of Little Rock, on , -- - I No. 550 and 551 of said orc"Inwice Record 10s said Urdinence Record being; on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Little -Toak subject to inepection by the public and/or all other Interested pr,xties. I'll WITNEF"'," "Jn1aOF I have here-anto set my hand , mi L I -d seal of the City Clerk of said City of Little 'lock on this the 13th day of Septembert 1932. 0 COPY OF PRWF U PUBLICATION 013 20th, 1932 of 0MINATICE NO Ajl'"N-11"I'AS DE.!,-,'0CRAT Original Copy of Proof of Publication Now on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Little :took, Arkansas. 21 STAU OF A' 'UTTSAS) CU'MTY Ur PULASIa ) Sr S. CITY OF LIVIME ROCK) cii'--timinwz 1, John L. Krum� City Clerk of said City Ploresald do hereby oelotlfy t%,r-,t, I = the duly elected City Clerk of said City and f-1,o m April 5th, 1932, and I do Airther certify that the foregoi =ng pages num-bered from wici inalading No. I to and Inc luding'No, 21 contain a trae and correct co7,iy of -Papers on file in nW office, raid of oraceeilk-age of the City council of the City of Little 'Flock, Arknmsnm, relative end nertaining, to ordinpnces proposed and passed by said City Council in regard to rates -.end. Cherges Xtc., by the Little Rook Gaa i, Fuel CompvW, as to Xat-ar--.l Gas. IN WITNESS !W,:7XUF$ I have hereunto set my hand and seal of Offlee as guoh City Clerk on this the 22nd day of Se,Ammbxer, 1932*