5003ORDINANCE NO. 5003 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE BOARD OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR IkTERIAL TO PAVE CERTAIN STREETS IN FAIR PARK AND CITY PARK AND IM.IIEDIATELY WEST OF THE CITY HOSPITAL AND TO PLACE SIDEWALKS AROUND MOUNT HOLLY 0E1UTERY WHERE NECESSARY, IN THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, AID ENTER INTO A CONTRACT FOR THE PURCHASE THEREOF. WHEREAS, certain streets in Fair Park and City Park and immediately west of the City Hospital are badly in need of repairs; and WHEREAS, the expense of the repair and upkeep of such streets is considerable during each year, and said repair and up- keep being only temporary; and WHEREAS, it is essential for the proper and safe handling of the traffic and for promotion of public health that the dust nuisance created by the present unpaved condition of such streets be abated: Now, therefore BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK: Section 1. That the Board of Public Affairs of the City of Little Rock be and the same is hereby directed to procure, by such contract as may be valid and proper, the material necessary for the paving of certain streets in Fair Park, City Park, and that portion of McAlmont Street immediately west of the City Hospital, and to place sidewalks around Mount Holly Cemetery where necessary. Section 2. That said Board of Public Affairs enter into a contract or contracts whereby it will procure such material by paying to the lowest responsible bidder or bidders on the material desired by the Street Department the contract price on the first day of June, 1933, same to be payable out of the automobile license funds. Section 3. That it being necessary for the public peace, health, and safety that action in this matter be speedily taken, as the present condition of these streets create a hazard, an emergency is hereby declared to exist and this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the date of its passage. Passed: October 18, 1932 Atteslt: M.� Approved: Mayor . ' CITY OF LITTLE ROCI� b Date CITY HEALTH OFFICER I! 5402_!1 Dr. V. T. Webb 11 93— ` II 5402 II ROLL CALL —CITY COUNCIL — OFFICIAL YEAR 1932 -1933 5402 Names of Aldermen Votes MEAT INSPECTOR A. F. Coots WARDS Long Term First Aye I No II !I 11 4 -3508 Terral, Floyd CITY ENGINEER W. H. Marak I 4 -3000 II FIRST WARD M. II I SUPT. HI KYFHOdSPITAL �l 71611 Connor, C. I ! 8932 lI 11 INSPECTOR WEIGHTS & MEASURES J. E. Nothwang Leiser, H. G. I CTTUT ATRPORT I SECOND WARD Tuohey, J. H. Wassell, Sam M. THIRD WARD Muswick, George Adkins, Homer M. vim- FOURTH WARD Ray Winder, li� .�--- Olive, A. z II FIFTH WARD Turner, Roy C. Duttlinger, C. H. 8 SIXTH WARD Shoffner, E. G. Wherry, Geo. R. SEVENTH WARD Adams, George G. _ Conner, Mrs. C. C. EIGHTH WARD Fisher, Merlin – Scougale, A. y NINTH WARD Gladden, J. R. CITY OFFICERS AND DEPART- �Ph II �� RE MARKS MENT HEADS e Horace�A. Knowlton �!; 4 -8416 CITY TREASURER II II Oscar D. Hadfield 4 -2020 MUNICIPAL JUDGE II II / Harper E. Harb 4 -3886 CITY ATTORNEY II II Linwood L. Brickhouse 4 -1123 _ CITY CLERK !� John L. Krumm 9613 I1 CITY COLLECTOR II II James Lawson II_4 -1278 r CHIEF OF POLICE I! II r T Tzo,,,,arr II 4 -1234 II CHIEF OF FIRE DEPARTMENT II Charles S. Hafer 4 -2851 _ CITY HEALTH OFFICER I! 5402_!1 Dr. V. T. Webb 11 CITY VETERINARIAN Dr. T. M. Dick II ` II 5402 II MILK AND DAIRY INSPECTOR II Geo. D. Ellis 11 5402 CHIEF FOOD INSPECTOR 11 Ewell Hopkins ! 5402 !! �I 6485 MEAT INSPECTOR A. F. Coots PLUMBING INSPECTOR E. L. Gruber 4 -3000 CITY ELECTRICIAN Lester E. Newland !I 11 4 -3508 II CITY ENGINEER W. H. Marak I 4 -3000 II SUPT. PARKS AND SANITATION R. C. Rudisill it II 6813 II I SUPT. HI KYFHOdSPITAL �l 71611 CITY LIBRARIAN Miss Vera Snook I ! 8932 lI 11 INSPECTOR WEIGHTS & MEASURES J. E. Nothwang 11 11 4 -3508 I CTTUT ATRPORT I