5004ORDINANCE N0. 5004 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION ONE OF ORDINANCE No. 79 PASSED JUNE 24, 1854 FIXING RATES TO BE CHARGED CONSUMERS OF THE ARKANSAS WATER COMPANY FOR SPECIAL CONNECTION FOR FIRE SERVICE AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF LITTLE ROCK: Section 1. That the rates fixed by Section One of Ordinance No. 79, passed June 24, 1$84, by this Council, and also by order of the Arkansas Corporation Commission, made December 30, 1919, to be charged consumers of the Arkansaw Water Company for special connection for fire service, be modified, amended and adjusted so as to authorize charges for such service as follows; SPECIAL CONNECTION FOR FIRE SERVICE Subject to special form of "Application for Special Connection" filed herewith as Exhibit "A ". AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEM - 1,000 heads or less subject to a minimum charge of ..................$27.50 per yr. (All additional heads at 5¢ each) FIRE CONNECTION, minimum charge,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 27.50 " n PRIVATE FIRE HYDRANTS, each ....................... 35.00 It it STANDPIPE, openings W diameter, (or smaller), each .. ............................ 5.00 n n STANDPIPE, opening 1;" diameter, each............. 7.50 STANDPIPE, opening 2" diameter, each. ............. 12.50 " " STANDPIPE, opening 2i" diameter, each ............. 25.00 It " Section 2. The rates herein provided for shall take effect October 31, 1932. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and become binding upon said Arkansaw Water Company from and after its passage. Passed: October 18, 1932 Attes • it r Approved: 0111 Mayor. CITY OF LITTLE ROCKV,3 Date -193_ ROLL CALL —CITY COUNCIL — OFFICIAL YE 1932 933 WARDS Names of Aldermen Long Term First Votes II 4 -1123 / /(J _ T Aye I No FIRST WARD Terral, Floyd I 9613 ! CITY COLLECTOR Connor, C. M. James Lawson I! 4 -1278 I, II SECOND WARD Leiser, H. G. 4 -1234 I� CHIEF OF FIRE DEPARTMENT II Tuohey, J. H. Charles S. Hafer I! THIRD WARD Wassell, Sam M. CITY HEALTH OFFICER ' Muswick, George 540_2_ ! FOURTH WARD Adkins, Homer M. Dr. T. M. Dick 5402 II MILK AND DAIRY INSPECTOR II Winder, Ray Geo. D. Ellis 5402 CHIEF FOOD INSPECTOR II FIFTH WARD Olive, A. Ewell Hopkins 5402 II Turner, Roy C. A. F. Coots II SIXTH WARD Duttlinger, C. H. PLUMBING INSPECTOR I Shoffner, E. G. 4 -3000 II CITY ELECTRICIAN SEVENTH WARD Wherry, Geo. R. Lester E. Newland II 4 -3508 Adams, George G. 14 EIGHTH WARD NINTH WARD Conner, Mrs. C. C. 4 -3000 SUPT. PARKS AND SANITATION II Fisher, Merlin R. C. Rudisill II 6813 SUPT. CITY HOSPITAL Scougale, A. y ! CITY LIBRARIAN ! Gladden, J. R Miss Vera Snook !� 8932 11_ CITY OFFICERS AND DEPART- yy OPff'ne MENT HEADS II REMARKS MAYOR Horace A. Knowlton I, .4 -8416 CITY TREASURER Oscar D. Hadfield 4 -2020 MUNICIPAL JUDGE Harper E. Harb II 4 -3886 II CITY ATTORNEY am " Linwood L. Brickhouse 4 -1123 / /(J _ T CITY CLERK I� John L. Krumm I 9613 ! CITY COLLECTOR James Lawson I! 4 -1278 I, II CHIEF OF POLICE 11 J. L. Bennett II 4 -1234 I� CHIEF OF FIRE DEPARTMENT II Charles S. Hafer I! 4 -2851 CITY HEALTH OFFICER Dr. V. T. Webb 540_2_ ! CITY VETERINARIAN II Dr. T. M. Dick 5402 II MILK AND DAIRY INSPECTOR II i Geo. D. Ellis 5402 CHIEF FOOD INSPECTOR II !I Ewell Hopkins 5402 II MEAT INSPECTOR A. F. Coots II 6485 PLUMBING INSPECTOR I E. L. Gruber I, 4 -3000 II CITY ELECTRICIAN II Lester E. Newland II 4 -3508 CITY ENGINEER W. H. Marak I! 4 -3000 SUPT. PARKS AND SANITATION II R. C. Rudisill II 6813 SUPT. CITY HOSPITAL H. K. Ford I 7161 ! CITY LIBRARIAN ! I Miss Vera Snook !� 8932 11_ TATCT]CI"TAD 1R7VT!_T-TTQ Z WKV-A OTTM II __.. r e STATE OF ARKANSAS COUNTY OF PULASKI S.S. CITY OF LITTLE ROCK CERTIFICATE I, John L. Krumm, City Clerk of said City aforesaid do hereby certify that I am the duly elected City Clerk of said City as and from April 5th, 1932, and I do hereby further certify tl-v t the attached report of the Utilities Committee of the City Council of the City of Little Rock, `Irkansa,s is a true and correct copy of said report, the original copy of said report being; now on file and being a part of the file as to Ordinance No. 5004, and I do further certify that the attached copy of Ordinance No. 5004 passed by the City Council of the City of Little Rock on October lath, 1932 at tW eBulrly convened meeting of the City Council of said City of Little Hock is a true and correct copy of said Ordinance, stare being record- ed in Ordinance Record No. 10, City of Little Rock, at pages 554 and 5551 said Ordinance Record being; now on file in the office of the City Clerk of t ° =.e City of Little Sock subject to inspection by the public and any and all parties interested. IN WITNESS M EREOF, I have hereunto set My hand end seal of office as such City Clerk of Little Rock, Arkansas on this the 25th day of October, 1932. { i f (` u City Clerk. e STATE OF ARKANSAS COUNTY OF PULASKI S.S. CITY OF LITTLE ROCK CERTIFICATE I, John L. Krumm, City Clerk of said City aforesaid do hereby certify that I am the duly elected City Clerk of said City as and from April 5th, 1932, and I do hereby further certify tl-v t the attached report of the Utilities Committee of the City Council of the City of Little Rock, `Irkansa,s is a true and correct copy of said report, the original copy of said report being; now on file and being a part of the file as to Ordinance No. 5004, and I do further certify that the attached copy of Ordinance No. 5004 passed by the City Council of the City of Little Rock on October lath, 1932 at tW eBulrly convened meeting of the City Council of said City of Little Hock is a true and correct copy of said Ordinance, stare being record- ed in Ordinance Record No. 10, City of Little Rock, at pages 554 and 5551 said Ordinance Record being; now on file in the office of the City Clerk of t ° =.e City of Little Sock subject to inspection by the public and any and all parties interested. IN WITNESS M EREOF, I have hereunto set My hand end seal of office as such City Clerk of Little Rock, Arkansas on this the 25th day of October, 1932. { i f (` u City Clerk. r i Little Rock, Ark. October 13th, 1932. TO STGNERS OF SII'I17:A ER SrS y : P TIi10r: Below I submit for your coasiderati on copy of letter just received from the hrnansa7 9ter Company, 7hich is self - explanatory. TY:is proposed adjustment of -she controversy over sprinkler rates has been Orou .it about tnrorSh a number of conferences betreen Hessrs. Lao Pfeifer, Carroll Th.ibault cnd the undersigned (acting as u self constituted cormittee for the property owners) the representative of the 75ter Company and a number of Ci t`r officials. All parties egreaiiag to recoramend this modification of rates have taken into coasideration the factor of becoming involve' in estensive ^nd expensive litigation as well as the desire of the "liter Company to neet the Com.ittee practically half way snd retain the good will of the sprinkler owner, die consider it advisable to qy rce on the ;proposed compromise of rates provided the City Council will pass a resolution to that effect. If, for any reason, such modification of rates is not acceptable to you kindly notify me in writing I1,,2.fr!DI ..T7LY in order that we may decide whether or not there is sufficient sentimeat against the proposed ad 'ustmant justify refusing it. K. Cochran.. R COPY OF LETTER FROM ARXUNN31. hi L,'. ' C3ZIR`11 , We W1 K. Cochran, LDL, Carroll ' hibat.lt, Mr. Leo Pfeifer-, Little lock, Arkansas. Gentlemen: File 14-761 Little Poch, Ar' . Cot 12,1932. TO s i s t o a dvi se you-: the t the, _'��. ka Asaw la to ,ompa ny- Till accept the proposed qodificution of lj:s.: Special Curnection for File 3onvice rate. Tiis action is taken by the ComFany in I spirit of mutual food ;;.ill with its _patrons. The rate will be as follows: P7CIAL CCNTICTIO-7 I= TIRE SERVIOR Subject to special fors: of "Application for Special.* Connection" filad hereTith as: Exhibit "j ". �`UTOMA7IC S RITE IER SW 4- 1,000 h3 3s or less subject to a minimum charge oP . .............. „, 27.50 (all additional heads. at 51 each) ARE CON ET'-IONt miniMu clarge. :.,........... 27450 PPTV • TE I'IRT EiYD? "I TS, cs oh ..... � ...... , .... , 35.00 T,� th kind personal regards,_ Very truly yours, pjY`T.Tj�±TfV rl��i� CiVilt.� �T�r (Signed ) >>_ J..:7. Broubh, aupt. 1� v To the Honorable T :iayor and T-embers of the City Council Little' ='lock, Arkansas Gentlemen: ,,.fie, your Utilities Committee, beg to state that we have reconsidered our former recommenda- tion with reference to the -petition filed _ith the 1 Council by certain property owners praying that the Council prohibit the "ready -to -serve charge" for private fire extinguishing equipment. After additional hearings with the eater Company and the interested property owners we submit her -_ —with an ordinance which is approved by tilis committee for action by the Council, I HAL K. COCHRAN PRESIDENT H® K. C ®C HRAN COMPANY ESTAgHLASHED 1883 JOS. HANEY COCHRAN H VICE PRES. GRAINY, GRAIN PRODUCTS, HAY & SEED LITTLE ROCK October 17th, 1932. Utilities Corlmittee, Little Rock, Ark. Gentlemen; Re; Adjustment of Charges for Special 1 +'ire Prevention Hater Connections. I am ple' "sed to inform you that the ; rkansaw Water Company has agreed to modify their previous rates for the above service ind such modification has been accepted by the self- appointed committee representing the owners of Equipment. -':ttaehed is copy of letter sent to owners of especial Fire Prevention Equipment placing them on notice that this Committee had agreed to such modification and asking them to notify me immediately if such modification was not acceptable to them. I have received todate no protests against this new schedule of rates and wish to notify your honorable body that it will jp:iam:3mxwt=xK be satisfactory for you to procede to authorize the ',rkansaw i s ter• Company to make such charges. Before taking final action on this new schedule of rates I feel that it proper to request that si ch schedule be submitted to me for examination. l� h Respec;al fi lly y at K. Cochran. OPERATING 0 nnuu a% *'S ARKANSAW WATER COMPANY IN REPLY PLEASE REFER TO LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS FILE NO. 14 -761 S. R. BROUGH, SUPERINTENDENT LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS October 15, 1932. Mr. deorge Muswick, Chairman Public Utilities Committee, Little Hock, Arkansas. Dear George: Talked with Mr. H. K. Cochran yesterday afternoon and he promised to write you the letter your Uommittee recuested,so that you would you would get it not later than Tuesday morning. For your further information, I am at- taching hereto copy of my letter to Messrs. Cochran, Thibault and Pfeifer, accepting the proposed modification of our rates for special connection for fire service. ht a conference in Ir. Cantrell's office these gentlemen proposed this rate, and we ac- cepted it by our letter of October 12th. Vie also attach copy of letter under date of October 13th from Mr. Cochran to all of the signers of the petition, which your Committee now has under consideration. Yours very truly, ARKPd4bAVV VVATER C010td4y. BY S. i. BxOUGH. 1 -LVIL Enclosure.