5005M Ordinance Number An Ordinance Appropriating the Sum of 05,15 to Pay the Claim off' "�. i� . T,e�.Nalle , aka 1 , the City of Little Rock. 14hereas, W. N. Lewallen filed his claim against the City of Little Rock for damages to Lot one (1), Block twenty two (22), Mountain Park Addition to the City of "Little Rock, caused by the change of street grade made for Street improvement District Number 503, which improvement was made in 1931, and +iherea -s, under a writ of mandaraus, from the Pulaski Circuit Court, the city was required to name assessors to fix the damages, caused by said change of jrade, and 111hereas, said assessors have fixed the damages due the said !Pi. Lewallen at three hundred dollars ($300.00) and the oosts ad- judged against the City in said mandamus suit are $5.15, NoSi Therefore, Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Little Rock: Section 1,- T'ne sum of three hundred five and 15/100 ($305.15) is hereby appropriated to pay said dR aages as fixed by said assessors and said costs as fixed by the court and the Mayor and clerk are hereby directed to issue the City's warrant therefor. Section 2,- All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict lerewith are hereby repealed and this ordinance shall be in effect from and after its passage. Approved 'November 1932. Parsed: October 31, 1932 a _ - 4 At1h, 5t Y N re rx . MAIM Y CITY OF LITTLE ROCK Date 193— ROLL CALL —CITY COUNCIL — OFFICIAL YEAR 1932 -1933 WARDS Names of Aldermen Long Term First I Votes Aye No FIRST WARD Terral, Floyd Connor, C. M. !/ SECOND WARD Leiser, H. G. Tuohey, J. H. I II�I THIRD WARD Wassell, Sam M. I U Muswick, George Adkins, Homer M. FOURTH WARD Winder, Ray FIFTH WARD Olive, A. i Turner, Roy C. SIXTH WARD Duttlinger, C. H. Shoffner, E. G. SEVENTH WARD Wherry, Geo. R. Adams, George G. '✓I EIGHTH WARD Conner, Mrs. C. C. Il_ Fisher, Merlin Scougale, A. � NINTH WARD I Gladden, J. R. CITY OFFICERS AND DEPART- MENT HEADS Ily Office Phone II l REMARKS MAYOR Horace A. Knowlton �; 4 -8416 CITY TREASURER Oscar D. Hadfield II 4 -2020 II MUNICIPAL JUDGE Harper E. Harb ,) 4 -3886 ` CITY ATTORNEY Linwood L. Brickhouse 15-1123 CITY CLERK John L. Krumm 9613 CITY COLLECTOR II _ James Lawson II 4 -1278 II CHIEF OF POLICE II J. L. Bennett II I CHIEF OF FIRE DEPARTMENT Charles S. Hafer II 4 -2851 CITY HEALTH OFFICER II Dr. V. T. Webb 5402 CITY CITY VETERINARIAN ` II Dr. T. M. Dick II 5402 II MILK AND DAIRY INSPECTOR II I Geo. D. Ellis II 5402 CHIEF FOOD INSPECTOR I II Ewell Hopkins I 5402 II MEAT INSPECTOR A. F. Coots 6485 II PLUMBING PLUMBING INSPECTOR E. L. Gruber 4 -3000 II CITY ELECTRICIAN Lester E. Newland II 4 -3508 I II _ CITY ENGINEER W. H. Marak II 4 -3000 II_ SUPT. PARKS AND SANITATION II R. C. Rudisill II 6813 III` _ SUPT. CITY HOSPITAL 11 H. K. Ford 7161 I� CITY LIBRARIAN Miss Vera Snook I 8932 INSPECTOR WEIGHTS & MEASURES II J. E. Nothwang II 4 -3508 SUPT. AIRPORT I Joseph A. Young 4 -4460 1 II ..• Official term of Mayor, Citv 1933; City Attorney and C ,rer, Munici- IN.pril -fficers, expires in April, Little Rock, Ark., kpril 110 1932. Hon. H. A, Knowlton, Mayor, and City Council of Little Rock, Ark. Gentlemen: Claimant, Wo N. Lewallen, states that he is the owner of lot one, block twenty two (22), Mountain Park Addition to Little Rock, Arkansas, said lot being upon the southwest corner of q and Filmore streets and within the confines of Street Improvement Dis- trict #508; that said improvement district paved wt street, running north of,parallel and irmnediately adjacent to said lot; that for the building of sain pavement, the City changed the grade of Q street along the north side of said lot by raising it several feet above the said lot of plaintiff where the established grade previously had been about upon a level with said lot; that said raised embankment runs from about two feet above said lot in front to about seven feet above It along the rear; that said lot had been previously improved with reference to the for.ner grade by the building of two houses upon it and said change of grade placed or left said houses at the foot of such high embankment, changed the drainage of said logs and the drain- age of the neighborhood of which the lot is a part, causing said lot to overflow during just average rains and rendered said houses and lot uniri��abitable, unsightly and unsalable. Said property has been damaged by said change of grade in the sum of $2500.00. Mr, R. C. Butler is hereby named owner's assessor to fix the damages sustained and the City is respectfully requested to name its assessor in order that they may appoint a third and the three then make the appraisement of damage and report as required by law. Thanking you for your prompt attentions I am Owens and Ehrman, and Jno. F. Clifford„ Attys. for Claimant. REeE:IVED an C' LED APR ,19 JOHN L, KR UMM CITY ;LF 0 Yours very truly, bu . Le a llen.