5123ORDINMME PrO. 512 AN ORDILINAi:CE FOR THE REPAIR A=DD i. AINTE vAi:CE BY THE CITY OF ' rmm ('^ F "' 0iAD''+VAYS A��iD SIDEViA"LKS Ov THE BRIDGES CROSSIItiG 0� ;�L . � LE RO'C'K. Gt . -. THE TRACKS OF T E ."I SSOURT IPACIPI C RAILROAD LROAD CO !PA �iY AND TK E CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND £:. PACIFIC RAI VXA7' CO'`; =P ANY uPOT? VEST TWELFTft STREET, WEST FOURTr�EI�1TF. STS EET 1�TTD yV EST ' I 'ETEE`icTi= STREET Iii THE CITY OF LITTLE RCCK; FRG %7IDIi G FOR T iE JOIITT PAYI31 : T OF X15,000.00 BY SAID RAILRC.AL CG' -PA E S A:,-,D FOR OTHER : URPO SE S . WHEREAS, the City of Little Rock has procured the a�reer.�ent of the Federal Government to erect a viaduct over th.e tracks of the Tiissouri Pacific Railroad Company and The Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railwgy Cor:rany where said tracks intersect West 25tri Street in 'C,he City of Little Roc 'k, and pr r HER -AS, t'ne only present :iieans of crossin said tracks in this vicinity is by means of the _rade crostiing at or near West 26th Street, which crossinv has been or will b° declared dosed and abandoned by rroter ordinances of the City of Li tti_ e Rocs, and WHEREAS in order to insure ilore efficient and: orderly repair and i::aintene -nce of the roadways and sidewalks on the bridges crossing said tracks at Vest 12th Street, `.ti'est 14th Street and ``Vest 19th Street the du!_v aut��orized officers :�f saiu railroad cor zanies a :�d the City of Little Rock have a�z reed that the City of Little Rock shall assume all of such maintenance and repair work as shall iereafter be necessary on brio, -es crossing; the tracks at said streets and that as compensation for the assum.ptior: of said maintenance and repair work the 1'issouri Pacific Railroad Coinpany and The Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railway Cotnnany have agreed to pay jointly to the City of Little Rock ti'.e sup_-. of `;15,000 in cash, therefore BE IT OR%�;II EL °Y Ti'E CITY COUi'CIL OF THE CI`77 OF .1T'-1L "L ROCK: Section 1. That in consideration of the payment, of $15,000 in cash to the City of Kittle Rocs. by the 1!i ssouri Pacific Railroad Cotripary and T!,e CT.ica`o Roca Island ;? Pacific R?ilY:ay Cor:pan -y joi�itly, tine C?_ts' of Little Rock hereby rei6ases the said Railway Companies froth tie obligation hereof ter to repair and maintain the roa&-lays and sidev.7alks on the bridges crossin" tl- e tracks of said rai lroads at c'r'est 12th Street, West 14th Street and West 19th Street in the Ci t-; of Little Rock, an'� 2. said City assures said ob 1 i P a ti 0 n an . jC_ ree tc defend, inCe,r 1i O ,y and forever save harirless •-,e Railroad Coi-i-,panies fro 1, and aga -n s t ajrnent of any loss or da a,_,e, costs or expenses, arising howcoever from its, the Cit-v of Little Roc's l failure to pro­ er 1v rpai ain or repair those -arts of ti-je said brid,-es and ar)proaches t, the said bridges, v4hLich it . i ') n S o -.p t'l is 'r -s I b e _tec to ­a` rit ain and r ep ai r under e r th e p r o v ce the roadv-ays and sidewal.,Is px,_,the nur-pose of this orf.1'nar the maintenance of �`,71_ic'Zl is hereby a-.sumed City of Little Rock shall be internruted to tine -i­Do1en strin,5ers, and the sub."loors, I G, anc+ the f loo .- s, a:(-, v.. sari r,.- s,,,,r'. ace s, si -,ev;a1'- s, r ai li s an6 r a i 1 r o ads i 11 i f, a ­1 t pa i n t b a 1 a n c e of t e s t r u. z t u r e s F_ S e r e. to f ore. Section ie City, of Li i, t. e cI , a-revs that it by nro ­er r a. (: e c r o s E t 0-1 26th a' near )ardin th Street leading into t1iG 11,o-,,,,nty Hospital ir,.rimecii *I,ely the h­_ erected at tl-ie cr_os.si 01' :5c­'Ld com-,letion c;f the i viaduct to ' -th Straet. tracers on A'e s t "I !3 e- c ti 0 upo-n :,argin of t a­e of 4 ill S off icy al record book of the City of Little T2oc4'<-1., of t'.ae terns of t" ordinance and the na-vaient in cas-; of t':Lo consideration 'llerein set fortis b-1- t'� issCj,,J,.t` Pac-fic Co.r12any acid The Foci`, Island Flacific s h I ? -ace in 'all " s a r e to T,-i,- A s �' bL�r Pa Ci I C force and effect betjee! the a e prti nd k. Fa_j_,ic C o r�,. -c any Rai.' (3or!in T� an7) o.nd T�, e C11-1 i c q EO Rock Isla 1, , t Tte �nr i Re c e iv r s Si-11 be construed to incldhir rusei. ? �- anu successors alnc. assigns in the operati o i, of sal: railroads. for the -�),�ace alt'. and safety Section 4. It bei:q7 necessary of the inhabitants of tae City of Little floci'. that t'-.e -rade 'crossing A t West 26th Street be eliminated in order V-at existing danger to -iro-nzert-,7 be re: oven, an, erier­,ency is hereby declared to exist t.,is ordinance shall ta,,,e effect and be in force frot- and after the date _)f its passage and all. ord-inances ail(: arts of ordinances in con- f 1 i ct ordinance, ar- I-iereb,7 Passedk M r c 34. A t te- s t Ap,p r o v e o Council 'eoord X Pages 2459 247 & 249 Municipal C.)urtroom Little Rook# Ark�%nsme 8 P-H., 7�XZch 27th, 1934 Council wet in reF ,ul�,x session, Mayor Hora0e A. Knowlton precidint; r-md the following fildermen present* Terr,-A Lot r, Tuohey,, Cr-4e;, 'Under,, live, Duttlinger,, Fr.-mot*, Wherry, tdamo, Mrs. Conner, Fisher* Saouaaleg rind trwin - toua 14. There being a quorum present the following proceediW,.,,s were 11aA : 0 * 0 0 9 • • • * . • There was then presented Ordin,iice No. 5123 entitled: AN ORDINANCE PROVIDINO FOR THE REP'AIR AND 14AIHTIT�NAHCE By THE CITY OF LITTLE !wcx or Tn RoADwAys AVID SUMALKS ON THE BRIDGES C-RCSSING THE TRACKS OF rILIS 9100OURI PACIFIC RAILROAD COUPANY AND T CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PAC1170 RAIWAY CWWA" UPON WEST M, LrTH STREET WEIST FOURTEENTH STREET MRD IMST XINZ?90" MtEUT IN THE CITY Of LITTLE RWK- PROVIDING ruR THE JOINT PAr.TENT OF 015#000-00 BY SAID RAILROAD 0JAPAXIES An FOR OT14SR PUMSES. Which ordinnnee vies rend the first time, and by two-thirds vote of the members of the Council e1r.-tat, the rules were Suspended mnd the ordinw-ice read t, e second ti.,,Ge,, -ad, upon motion of Aldexuan Leiser, n000nded by Udermnija Tuohey, z%nd by two.-thirds vote of the members of V,e Council elect, t1le rule a were again suspended ,,md the ordinance e" ,d the third imd last time and t1le aye and no vute taken upon the queF;tian, Shall the Ordimmeo pass,, the result taint; na follows: ,,yes - Pickens,, Leiser, Tuohey, Craig, Winder, Olive, Vuttlini,,-er, Francis, P-rn. Conner, Pisher, Scou&ptle,, and 1'x%vin - tot,�A, 12; Noes - TerrU. �Jfl .erry, tuid Adams - tott-1 3; Absent =,md not voting - Waosell and Turner - totci 2. `NihereU3'*n, said ordiw4ace w" declared mooed. The emerg-ency section, beiru� Section 4 of Ordimmee No. 5123 entitled: AN URDINANCE PRO711LINU 11741 T""IE 'REPAIR AND MAUTEN"CE BY THE CITY OF LITTLZ ROCK OF T ROAD-KAY'S ATID SIDEVAIM ON THE SUDUS CROSSING, THE TRACKS OF THE MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL AD 001PANT AND TFE CHICAGO ROCK IMAND & PACIFIC FLAILWAY COMPANT UMN VMST TWUM STREET WEST 701URTNENTH STRSY-T AND WEST NIXZT=TH STIU-'ET IN THE CITY OF Lli+LE HUCK: PROVIDING FOR T1% JOINT PATIUM or s15,66o.00 By s,&p RAILROAD COMPANIES An FUR OT�Lv--R P',RP()SX8; wan read,, and, a roll cell beinC,, ordered, sane was adopted by the folloving vote; Ayes — Fliokenik Leiser, Tuohey, OrnAgg Winder, Olive, Ttittling r, Francis, Mrs. Chine'„ Fisher, Sootxgrae, rind Erwin -- tovai I2-, Noes - Ternl, lb y, and ixdnzs - tots 3; Absent mid not voting .. if-mosell and Turner - t®tl. 2. STATE OF ARKAABOAS COUNTY OF PULASKI Bs. CITY Or LITTLE ROCK gMI_nOAT I, John L. Div: city Clert of the City of Little Root do hereby certify that I am the (Mly elected City Clerk of said City as and from April 5th, 1932, i d. I do further certify that the attached document Is a true and correct coy of -)z extract of the minutes of a meetin4, of the City Council of the City of Little clock In a regularly oonveaaed se eion held on the 14ib *day of 193 , zaad I do further certify that the said copy of minutes agppe -rs of record in *Council R*Oord Boob X. City of Little Rocks" a : sl thn�t said *Reoord X" is now on file in the office of t >e C*ity Clerk of t1le City of Littls Rock mzh ject to Inspection by the public -�zd Mly s:.nd all via rtlea interested. I 71ITR! ", I have hereunto set my hmud, and se-t.1 of office as such City Clerk on this the 26th day of !4aroh, 1934. City Cleft. CITY OF LITTLE ROC Date 1 ROLL CALL —CITY COUNCIL — OFFICIAL YEAR 1932 -1 33 WARDS INames of Aldermen Long Term First Votes I( 4 -2020 Aye No FIRST W D' Terral, Floyd Harper E. Harb 4 -3886 - -16 — II L. BORNrickhouEY Linwood se 4 -1123 SECOND WARD Leiser, H. G. John L. Krumm I 9613 _ CITY COLLECTOR Tuohey, J. H. James Lawson 114-127 THIRD WARD Wassell, Sam M. I II J. L. Bennett 1 4 -1234 CHIEF OF FIRE DEPARTMENT I Charles S. Hafer FOURTH WARD � / Hsi *s. CITY HEALTH OFFICER Winder, Ray 5402 FIFTH WARD Olive, A. / 4 I 5402 MILK AND DAIRY INSPECTOR Turner, Roy C. Geo. D. Ellis 5402 �y S H - RD - Duttlinger, C. H. % Ewell Hopkins 5402 MEAT INSPECTOR SEVENTH WARD Wherry, Geo. R. A. F. Coots Adams, George G. PLUMBING INSPECTOR PLUMBING EIGHTH WARD Conner, Mrs. C. C. E. L. Gruber II 4 -3000 Fisher, Merlin CITY ELECTRICIAN II I I I T y 1ARD ' Scougale, A. I 4 -3508 II CITY ENGINEER I CITY OFFICERS AND DEPART- ly Office II MENT HEADS I Phone I REMARKS MAYOR Horace A. Knowlton y� 4 -8416 1� CITY TREASUKEK Oscar D. Hadfield 4 -2020 MUNICIPAL JUDGE II II Harper E. Harb 4 -3886 IY T CTAT II L. BORNrickhouEY Linwood se 4 -1123 CITY CLERK John L. Krumm I 9613 _ CITY COLLECTOR II James Lawson 114-127 CHIEF OF POLICE I II J. L. Bennett 1 4 -1234 CHIEF OF FIRE DEPARTMENT I Charles S. Hafer 4 -2851 CITY HEALTH OFFICER Dr. V. T. Webb 5402 CITY VETERINARIAN II Dr. T. M. Dick I 5402 MILK AND DAIRY INSPECTOR II Geo. D. Ellis 5402 �y CHIEF FOOD INSPECTOR Ewell Hopkins 5402 MEAT INSPECTOR A. F. Coots 6485 PLUMBING INSPECTOR PLUMBING II E. L. Gruber II 4 -3000 CITY ELECTRICIAN II Lester E. Newland I 4 -3508 II CITY ENGINEER I W. H. Marak 4 -3000 SUPT. PARKS AND SANITATION i� II R. C. Rudisill 6813 _ SUPT. CITY HOSPITAL II II H. K. Ford IL 7161 CITY LIBRARIAN II II Miss Vera Snook 8932 INSPECTOR WEIGHTS & MEASURES II J. E. Nothwang II 4 -3508 _ SUPT. AIRPORT II Josenh A. Yount; 4 -4460 Official term of Mayor, City Treasurer, Municipal Judge and appointive officers, expires in April, 1933; City Attorney and City Clerk in April, 1934. (Over) 3