5124ORDII4AYCE T :. 5124 Ai? GRDI'.�h WEST VVE,TY Shin STR EET FRCi- Ti • - .. y_'"' mnwT RAY 1^�1i -� 7�? TT'_. L �' ST SILL yr = .�T iT l� s EAST E�:TR .CE TO l..r. Pu�ASi >I CC7� .i1 'rvSiiTAL: A -,, Fv1'. �� 'r�'tEREAS, t'�e -it-,,- o-, lithe Rock has - procured or is about to procure the avi of "pest 25th Street from! Broadway viest to junction lwl with Asher kvenue and such paving inihen con,rlete� V:ill incl«Ge th,e con- struction of a viaduct across the tracks of the i ssouri Pacific Ra.i ? - rUa- Company an6 Chica o, RJCk I -clerid & Pacific R .il'v ay Com any where said tr4cics cros• 21ti-_ Street, and WFITZREAS, at present a Lra:cdc crossin -! c;s ;, =r !d +r--c,-,s is tained at or near "'est 26th Street, anc W E REAS, the c: �struction of t',,e said 5ti_ Street and the viaduct over said trac?.s 1'ii1-1 elimi.na.te the need a- 6 necessi ty for the grade crossing at or rear 26th Street, and V- IEREAS, it c�ei�- -g desirable to eliminate the traff .c hazcru., of suci, �raiie CrJ..cl.nL of the railroad tr >lc.LS, ti-cr-sfore BE I T 0EDA1 *• EL '-511- �1 -E �i CX1 - C F m --L ,v - T . ROCK: CI �_�L v� L TY 0 LI T,- nv ,K; Section 1. T'. t ''est 26th Street fror?, the West si d o" Rice t x ° " S`tree't to the East' En trance to the Pulaski County Ho s i tal including the ;. l grade crossinL- over said tracks at or near 'r`?est 26th Street is hereby closed, aband ^ned and forever vacated and the City of Little Rock viaive,s all right to said st•re is and surrenders the same to the ad joining nrorert, owners acid abutters and the authority is hereb;7 `riven to said adjoinin -o - roperty c%�rners and abutters to close said street at the points here - nbc fore ah—,ed upon the core- pletion of the pro-oosed vi aduct cfro ssi r� ;''c st, --l'-5th :tr ee t. Section. 2. r',:a.t t',e present grade of the e : ;isting railroad tracl.ti at 21 6ti1 Street '10 nr a r7:enace t t1ne life and r erty of the citizens in t >:at co mnlunity ti- e irnr:e(Aate passage of this ordinance i ti ne.cc: sar- for the sal ety of the inhabi tantti of tr a t co: ;- m,anit,r an(i t'. e citizens _if Little Rock, and: an er:ar -ency is k,erefore declared to exist and t-�i s ordi-- ,a_nce shall be in force and take effect from' -d after tie c ate of it;, p sun e. Passed March 27, 15 34. :yttest:_ Vi tl iJ �! �'- .♦ Api rove -- - -— Council Record X Pages 245,, 21*7 & 249 LlunicipP1 Courtroom Little Rock, hrkr=as a %M iron 27tho 1934 Council not in regalgx session, Mayor Horace A. ImmIton presiding &nd the following Aldermen -present: Terral, Loiser# Tuohey, r- g ., i nder, Olive, Outtlingerg F ranolel Wherry* Adms, Mrs. Conner,, FlaiC.er, Scougalet -md Ervin - total 14. There being a quorum present the following proceedings were h PA: 0 . . . . * 0 0 . . . 0 There was then presented ordinance No. 5124 entitled: AN OIRDIWANOR AB&NDOWING AND CLOBVV� TWLNTY SIXTH STREET FROM Tht WEST sTDE uF RICE STREET TO THE LAST ENTRANCE TO THY, PULASKI WUNTY HOSPITAL: &ND FUR OTHKR' PURPOSES. Which ordin--nce Was read the first time -rid by unanimous vote of the meutbers of the Council ?present, being fifteen in number nnd more than two—thirds of the members of the Coimail elect, upon wotion of Alderm,,�n Duttlinger, seoonded by Alderman 'ftiohey* the rules were suspended rand tkie ordin �-nce read t"'e secon(l time, ruid, by on-!xnir'-'Ous ,rote of the members of the Council presents being fifteen in ni xWber and -more tb.-,n tvo—thirds of the mewbere of Ve Council elects up'On motion of AldeTmmn Duttlinger, seconded by Alderm an Tuoheyo the rules were a6.in eftispended z�nd the ordinance read the third and 1-7tst tine --:Fnd the :eye and no vote taken upon the t.iiies.tions, Shall the Urdintnee pass, the result being -.%8 follows: Ayes Terral, Pickens,. 1,eiser, Tuoheyy, ("rvAg, Winders Ulives, Duttling .,er, -rancies 4114erryo Adams, Urs. Conner, Fisher,, 5cougraej, and Erwin — total 15; Noes - none; Absent and not voting — as: ell and Turner — total 2. AheTe- upon, said ordln"moe was decl-red passed. Tile emergency section, being Section 2 of Urdinfaice No. 5124 entitled: A ORDIXANCF WV TH ':�-T ktAMNING AMD CLOsIXG A ST TWENTY SIX a nl E FROM THE ST SIDE OF RICY M-FT TO THIN EkST Et4nl 1,0MCE To TTIZ PULASKI 1 01714, "! PURPOSES. was reads, and, a roll call COUNTY HOSPITAL: ANI) FUR 1' 5- 0 being ordered, same wn.s adopted by the following vote; Ayes — Torral, .. der,, olivep Plokenot Leiser, Tuoheyp Craigp 74n Wherry, kdamop Urn. oonner, Fishers scoug' A-e, md Ervin - totnI 15; - 1 ''J' . and "A"urner - total 2. ,-$oes - none; Absent Md not vOtW - $sell " STATE OF Wm- Oka COUNTY OF PMASKI S, a, CITY OF LITTLE. ROCK 2MITIENOME 1, John L. Xrumm� City Clerk of Said City aforesaid do hereby certify that I am the duly elected City Clerk of said City --a and from Npril the 1932s and I do further certify that the att,,mohed copy of Urdinnnee No, 5124 duly pansed by the City Council of the City of Little Rock convened In rvgtdar session on March 27tho 1934 is a true Pad correct oozy of said ordinpacep rind now wpemrs of recorcl, in *0rdiannee Record number 10, City of Little Rook# and Vhe origiwa copy of Bald ordinf�xice and said Urdin7.nce Ilecord Humber 10 are nov on fftle in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Little Flock mibjeat to inspeotion by the public nnd my ;-,no, all partier, interest- ed. o I WI N TNE!"S, 'r-W,1X0F# I have hereunto set my hmd cmd seal of office f-'s such City Clerk on this the P-8th day of March, 1934. City cleylF. -- LITTLE ROCKS /, CITY OF Date ROLL CALL —CITY COUNCIL — OFFICIAL YEAR 1932 -1933 WARDS gn:�ST WARD SECOND WARD Names of Aldermen) Votes Long Term Oret I Aye I No i Terral, Floyd r eiser, H. G. unhev. T. H. THI WARD FOURTH ARD Winder, Ray [Olive, A. FIFTH WARD Turner, Roy C. TH WARD SEVENTH WARD EIGHTH WARD Duttlinger, C. H. Office Phone �W y, MENT HEADS III errs Geo. R Adams, George G. 4 -8416 }_ Conner, Mrs. C. C. Fisher, Merlin �!4 Scouaale. A. � 1 WARD - -- MARKS CITY OFFICERS AND DEPART- II Office Phone RE MENT HEADS III MAYOR I1 Horace A. Knowlton 4 -8416 }_ CITY TREASURER II 4_2020 II Oscar D. Hadfield_ MUNICIPAL JUDGE II 4 -3886 II Harper E. Harb ___ - CITY ATTORNEY II 4 -1123 �I - I;Iri*OOd . L. Brickhouse CITY CLERK II 9613 I� John L. Krumm \ CITY COLLECTOR II 4 -1278 II X James Lawson CHIEF OF POLICE !� 4 - 1234 �I J. L. Bennett CHIEF OC II II ` S. Hafer 4-2851 4 -2851 _arless CITY HEALTH OFFICER I II 5402 f+ Dr. V. T. Webb CITY V E TERINARIAN II II 5402 f I� Dr. T. M. Dick - MILK AND DAIRY INSPECTOR II 5402 Geo. D. Ellis CHIEF FOOD INSPECTOR II II 5402 II Ewell Hopkins !I - MEAT INSPECTOR I� 6485 II A. F. Coots PLUMBING INSPECTOR II 4 -3000 II E. L. Gruber CITY ELECTRICIAN Lester E. Newland li 4 -3508 �I I CITY ENGINEER II 4 -3000 II W. H. Marak SUPT. PARKS AND SANITATION I� 6813 �I R. C. Rudisill II YH HOSPITAL SUPT. CITY 7161 I� H. F CITY LIBRARIAN I 8932 II Miss Vera Snook II WEIGHTS &MEASURES �I I4 INSPECTOR J. E. Nothwang 4 -3508 - II SUPT. AIRPORT 4 - II 4460 Joseph A. Young expires in April, Official term of Mayor, City Treasurer, and City Clerk in Municipal Judge and appointive officers, April(we4. 3 1933; City Attorney