5145ORDINANCE N0. ,.S ; ys AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND ITEMS NO. 79 NO. 89 NO. 12, NO. 19 AND NO. 22 OF SECTION 7 OF ORDINANCE NO. 4405; ALL OF SECTION 9 OF ORDINANCE NO. 4405; ALL OF SECTION 12 OF ORDINANCE NO. 4405, AND TO AMEND THE DEFINITION OF GRADE "B" RA17 MILK AS GIVEN IN ORDINANCE NO. 4405, 0 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Item No. 7 of Section 7 of Ordinance No. 4405 is hereby amended to read as follows; MANURE DISPOSAL: All manure shall be removed and stored or disposed of in such manner as best to prevent the breeding of flies therein, and the access of cows to piles thereof . Section 2. Item No. 8 of Section 7 of Ordinance No. 4405 is hereby amended to read as follows: MILK HOUSE OR ROOM - CONSTRUCTION: There shall be provided a separate milk house or milk room for the handling and storage of milk and the washing and bactericidal treatment of milk apparatus and utensils, provided with a tight floor constructed of concrete or other impervious material and graded to provide proper drainage, and partitioned to separate the handling of milk and the storage of cleansed utensils from the cleaning and other operations. The walls and ceilings of the milk house or room shall be of swch construction as to permit easy cleaning, and shall be painted at least once each year, or finished in a manner approved by the health officer. The walls shall rest on a concrete curb at least -ten inches high above the floor. The milk house or room shall be well lighted and venti- lated and all openings effectively screened to prevent the entrance of flies, and shall be used for no other purpose than the handling and storage of milk and milk products and other operations incident thereto. The cleaning and other operations shall be so located and conducted as to prevent any contamination of the milk or of cleaned equipment. The milk room shall not open directly into a stable or into any room used for domestic purposes. Each milk house shall be provided with adequate facilities for the heating of water and for the cleaning of utensils. The piping of running water into the milk house and barn shall be required. The milk house shall be equipped with stationary wash and rinse vats, and in the case of chlorine treatment these shall be of the three - compartment type. Section 3. Item No. 12 of Section 7 of Ordinance No.4405 is hereby amended to read as follows: UTENSILS - CONSTRUCTION. All containers or utensils used in Section 3 con t' d. the handling or storage of milk or milk products must be made of heavy gage, non - absorbent material and of such construction as to be easily cleaned, and must be in good repair. Joints and seams shall be soldered flush. All milk pails shall be of a small mouth design approved by the health officer. All strainers shall be equipped with sterilized single service filter pads. Section 4. Item No. 19 of Section 7 of Ordinance No. 4405 is hereby amended to read as follows: MILKERS' HANDS., Milkers' hands shall be clean, rinsed with a bactericidal solution, and dried with a clean towel immediately before milking. Should the milking operation be interrupted, the milkers' hands must be again rinsed in the solution. Viet hand milk- ing is prohibited. Convenient facilities shall be provided for the washing of milkers' hands. Section 5. Item No. 22 of Section 7 of Ordinance No. 4405 is hereby amended to read as follows: REMOVAL OF MILK. Each pail of milk shall be removed immediately to the milk house or straining room. No-milk shall be strained or poured in the dairy barn. Section 6. Section 9 of Ordinance No. 4405 is hereby amended to read as follows: TRA*.SFERRING OR DIPPING MILK: SALE OF MORE THAN ONE GRADE: DELIVERY OF MILK AT QUARAINTINED RESIDENCES. No.milk producer or dis- tributor shall transfer milk or milk products from one container to another upon the street or in any vehicle or store, or in any place except a bottling or milk room especially used for that purpose, except as may be specially permitted by the health officer in the case of milk being delivered in bulk. The sale of dip milk is hereby expressly prohibited. All pasteurized milk shall be placed in its final delivery container in the plant in which it "is pasteurized, and all raw milk sold for consumption in the raw state shall be placed in its final delivery container at the farm at which it is produced. It shall be unlawful for hotels, soda fountains, restaurants, and similar establishments to sell or serve any milk except in the original container in which it was received from the producer or distributor, provided that this requirement shall not apply to mixed milk drinks. If more than one grade or kind of milk is sold by any dis- tributor separate receiving, pasteurizing, cooling, and bottling equipment shall be provided for each grade and the equipment for each ! f Section 6 contd. 9 grade or kind shall be located in separate buildings or in separate rooms of the same building.' The delivery of milk to and the collection of milk containers from quarantined residences shall be subject to the special require- ments of the health officer. Section 7. Section 12 of Ordinance No. 4405 is hereby amended to read as follows: VEHICLES. Alltivehicles used for delivery of milk in the city tj of Little Rock, or its police jurisdiction, shall be so constructed as to protect the milk from the sun and from contamination and shall be 4 covered. Such vehicles shall be kept clean while used in transporting milk or milk products. No substance capable of contaminating milk or milk products shall be transported with milk or milk products in such _. manner as t:j permit contamination. No type of passenger car shall be used for grade "A" milk. Section 8. GRADE "B" RAW MILK. The definition of Grade "B" raw milk is hereby amended to read as follows: Grade "B" Raw milk is milk the average bacterial count of w'-i ch at no time prior to delivery exceeds 200,000 per cubic centimeter, or the average reduction time of which is not less than 6 hors, and which is produced upon dairy farms conforming with all items of sanitation re- quired for Grade "A" Raw milk except as follows: Under item (8( the piping of water into the milk house and barn and the partitioning of processes shall not be required; stationary and two - compartment wash and rinse vats shall be required; under item (12) single service strainer pad shall not be required; under item (23) the temperature requirement shall be 700 F.; under item (26) covered vehicles shall not be required; - -- provided that -all all items or parts of items relating to cleanliness shall be required. Section 99 All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed and this ordinance shall be in full force and effect immediately after its passage. Passed: ATTEST: ' '• � ZIP /// _....�� �I�uv� Section 10. The proper construction and the use of proper sanitary methods in dairies IIhkhEBbXhk from which the milk supply of the city of Little dock is obtained being necessary in order to secure to the city a sanitary milk supply, and the same being necessary for the preservation of the public health an emergency is hereby declared to exist and this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval,