5153a f OR;IIvANCE NO. 5153 � wa* A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE TO DE ENTITLED AN ORDINANCE TO REDUCE THE ANNUAL ASS S IE11PS LEVIED ON PROPERTY IN ANIM NLIVIBER ONE TO STREET ITJIPROYMZ —ElT'T D 1E'T tICT 439 IN LITTLE ROCK, ARKAI%'SAS, BY 50;0 ;`dHEREAS, it iias been ascertained that Annex, Number,,.- fte to-- Street Improvement District 439, Little :1_bck , Arkansas, has sufficient funds on hand which, together with one-half tine annual assessments levied on tile property in said `istrict, will enable it to meet all of its outstanding obligations as they fall due ; and, "HL'REAS, t-ie commissioners of tine district after ascer- taining the facts, have requested that tl.e assessments be re- duced for the remainder of the period covered by the assess- ments. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKAN SAS : Section 1. L'hat the annual assessments of Annex -umber une to street Improvezent �istric t 439 be and the same are hereby reduced by 50; c ecti.m 2. This ordinance having for its purpose the re- duction of assessments in t-he aforesaid district by 50 50; -0 of tae original assessment as levied shall be collected for the year 194 and subsequent years unless otherwise provided by law. '.ection All ordinances and parts thereof in conflict herewith are hereby repealed and this ordinance shall take ef- feet and be in force from and afte its passage. Passed: July 2, 1934 Attest: OTvcN Apn roved : �uiayor. 100