5155Al? 0R'D11,'A TC E TC FROjiI RI'fill AYS IrT T !i FAIR ING APE 'ALTY FC T--- �n and FILED ORDINA'izCE ITO. - G1T'i�f1 c�u. ':IT OPERATICIT OF '?EAVY TRUCKS ON 7THIE PARK; DEFITTI NG rEA171' TRUCK ; FROVI -- VIOLATIGIT FI:ERECF, A'`T HC i CTT <ER PUJ- HEREAS, motor vehicles, steam shovels, tractors and other heavy mechanical a-uip,�ent are being. , operated on the recently com- pleteu driveways throu__;h i,air Park to the damage of these 1 ar.,a such aestruction of the Driveways, shlould be prohibited,therefore� i { BE IT CRDAI "ED 3Y m" E CITI COUITCIL OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK I i SECTIG" 1. That it is hereb - made unlawful for any per- son, firm or corporation to transport over any of the roadways, drivewa7rs or roads .,,i thin the limits of Fair Park any trucks whose yreight, either loaded or unloaded., shall exceed three (3) tons; and it is further made unlawful to transport over said roadways any i steam shovels, tractors or other i,achinery. Any person, firiii Or corporation V1 01dtlnc; ti0 provisions of this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a mi sder;eanor and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined in any sum not less J �j than Ten 2oll.Irs (:10.00) nor r:ore than Two Hundred r'ifty lollars (; 2;,0.00) . SECTI01"T 3. Provided, however, that in the case of an i emeri e.,cy re: uirine the use of the drive,njays in 11,air Park for the � I I transporting-: o'" heavy machinery or heavy vehicles, written permis- sion may be secured from the C" _j n ineer for the transporting, of such machinery or vehicles throu�:h Fair Park. S EC TIC? 4. WTHEREAS, much damaEe is now being; cone to the I' streets and roadvvarC, in -,air Park and this Ordinance being necessary I� for ti-le preservation t'_nereof, an er,ergency is hereby declareu to exist an this Ordinance i s declared to be necessary for the protec- tion cf the public peace, health and ss&fety, and the same shall be in full force an' effect from anc after its passaUe and approval. I Terral, Floyd g Pickens_, Jaok 2 Leiser, H.G. rJ 1 �iusiQ�, Rec N C tT . b,3ey, Thos finder, .y azrner;y z: sara:e, Ieo. Connex, afire. C.C. Fisher, `erlin scol4gri'let t'. �w Erwin, C.B. C