5162I f RECEIV j and JUL 30 133' T., T CE .-c JOHN. L. KR curx z A' C_i�I `:� :?CE r►� :�RI -I °T0 :: �0��_�D OF PUBLIC AFi AIRS TC E:``TER `T TG ALAS B`ET: "'EE' Tom'.: SIT" CF LITr1 ROCK N7 T E U iITED IN STATES CCl!�� T =rT rOR A ��ACE 26 feet BY 9 feet, LOCATED ON T ?�E CCUT�x PART Cry :.E V '7 A C _iii "I '?I STR.e�'7'0_' '�'rJ ILDI�. T AT T'_ -1E .,ITTL-; ROCK . °U ?ICIPAL AI A -' T ;aIiBREAa, the United States government is in need of a space to install the ai stunt ccn`,rol s lt__ on for t, Uureau of . ',ir Cor, :�erc and, whereas, said space must be 26 feet by 9 feet, and Yahereas, said United :hates government can not pay more than One 'Dollar ( `1.00) per year for suer space, and ' B_?A3, sai d City of Little :pock has unoccupied a space of 26 feet by 9 feet in the Administration - uildinc- of the Little RoCr{ :'unicipal Airport, a.na vihereas, it viould be beneficial to the City of Little pock to lave tt-ie United ::Mates `overn gent install a distant control station for ti-e -ureau o' .Air Comm rce in this City, ow, therefore, J�R r. -r T`_ ^TTY vol -+TJ C� -r ;7 I tom_ L � C'TiC? 1. The Board of Public "Affairs are hereby a�:.tho- rizea to enter into a lease between the O, U of Little ock an the United States ,_ overnm ant for a space 26 feet by c feet located on the Jout pert of tii, v eranda of ti a Adini ni strati on ui1ail ng at the Little =;ocrc 11flunicipal airport. Laid space shall have a 9 foot East- ern e::posure ar.a a 26 foot Southern expo C=ure. 1 ` one Dollar lease steal F.Y ► :'y, June 195, k SEC"-r7-'C-;- 2. T1-_ i s lease shall be for t1 e annual rental of ( 1.00) to be paid by the United 3tates overnment. raid 1 beg.-In the 31st day of J ulv I9 anJ. end the 3Jth : ay of with the Unite:.: States roverniaent bain._ granted the privi -1, lege or renew n_ oa.i d lease from year tc year provided the City i s notified that such renevial is desired at least 60 a:_lys prior to ex pi ration of s :i laaSe. ;ECTTC:r,, 3, ERF.AS, it is i;: nortuan1, t'r;at the distant Mood and JUL 30 1934 -� - J© f,-Ux control station be iwrieaiately locateca in this City, and whereas, it is for tine best interest of the paace, safety and libart;T of the citi- z ens of this City, an errrerEency i s h �r eb-r declared to e: i st and this ordinance shall be in full force an,-A' off pct from and after its passage) am-A aonroval. A 30, 37- �-� f� Atte polite AYN -TIO Pinkens Terral. Floyd T-T.G. CQUIL --- ---- net :. vla;,X. Cr fig. Con, �tr Ma.s. C.01. ei, k L7, 40 Ad