5168IAA- A, /Y V j/ C, A" 321CTTC,'T 1 OF 0R -Ji,TATT C7 514J. CiD I NJ. ah o 7' - TT_ , _E IT 'C C P B CIE, I - I T T AT CR-.I*- 5140 IS i TTT I Z) C _A' TC�,] TIT A— CFA -7 --VT-E3, PaL7_7LAC-TC GOO-D-, IR-TCL7S VCR p: T 'j T-rj C :7 'T� - ATJ_' GfK1_21_q A'Y -JE-- I_7-_!T- D E I C 7s` C T -9 1 V."A"T CE, AIJ PROT_:I13ITI'T�3 _7 SALE THEREOF T -?T '_71" L I PH'YSICIA7S ATTL DRUGGISTS: P_RCVI­`ITTG A IL 7 ' C VI C T T R 0 F 7 OR C1-17R PURPOS S. T-IS 7 - 'TC 7' 1 C­ ID CR-'1Ij1TATTCE ITC. 5140 TO -.3 7 2 110 -AD C 7 FT Rr C, 7�� C A 7�C ;. BE IT CI 7',' CCUl-,TCIT C-IF 7-1- ­1 -'1- Ciil' T_T-T117IT'j 3ECTIC:T 1. It s'L.,all be unlawful for any person, firti-, or corporation o-,h =r than L-, rei­ularly licensed :-Iru.--Cist or duly license, P111-siciari, to sell, display or e-.,,nose for sale any contraceptive Ufa- vices or any propLylactic rubber goods or any ct`­er articles for the prevention of ve,,.-iereal (diseases and infections or any sex inci+wiriF,- d6vice or contrivance in the City of Little Roo';", or to display or expose any containers or packages containing- or advertising the same e,,,,ce.pt that t'Lie fore.c-oin,- provision 31­all not amply to ,Aiolesalle druggists, jobbers or manufacturers in the making of such sales to ret--ularly licensed retail drug store-, atnl-j J7_lly licensed. physicians for resale. S E C T i there are ;Nqany venders of contracep- -, Live --'--vices, prophylactic rubber and other articles as herein L opera,ino out within the -ity of Little Rlocic sel'inE: unsanitary f such ­ierchan-is 'Jse and in a',"ition oalkinE, sales o� I a e to high M e r cri a n ��.L school boys and Eirls, the provisions of this Ordinance are deemed to be necessary for the immediate preservation of the public health, taorals , c eac e sLaif an ai,AerL,: 11 ncy i., i-lar eby uec lareu t c exist by reason thereof; anJ this Crdina,-ice s; all be in full force and effect from and aft.-,-r i-lln, passage and ap,7rcval. 1 2 Approved ii � �