5257ORDINANCE NO. 5057 ..,. _ N A.N ORDINA CL TO PROVIDE FOR THE PROPER ALLOCATIO' OF EXPENSES INCURRED IN THE OPERATIOI OF NECESSARY DEPART:IIE.NITS OF THE CITY TO THE PROPER FUND; TO PROVIDE FOR THE CLARIFICATION Or THE CITY BOOKKEEPIivG SYSTEM. 30 THAT THE PROPER EXPEii SE S OF VARIOUS DEPARTYIE is TS OF THE CITY MAY BE CHARGED TO THE FUND WHICH SHOULD SUPPORT SAID CHARGE; TO REPEAL ORDINANCE NO. 5254 OF JUNE 27TH, 19 5; A vD FOR OTHER PT?RPOJES. WHEREAS, the necessary operating expenses of the various departments of the City government have never been properly allocated .,,to the fund which, it was intended should support the correlated gcvern- mental agencies; and, 14HEREAS, a proper bookkeeping system should be set up which would provide for charging, to each of the following named funds, the General Fund, the Automobile Fund, and the Road Fund, the expenses nrop- •erly incurred in carrying on the activities and the work to »,hick these _ funds properly relate; and, WHIEREAS, a thorough study of the proper system of such charges has been made by the accountants employed by the City, the Mayor, Chairman of the Finance Committee and. the Board of Public Affairs and a prooer and adeauate plan of allocating the expenses of the various departments of the City to each of said. funds has been reached. NOS'; , THER�:FORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUI41CIL OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKA11TSAS SECTION 1. That the City Clerk is hereby authorized, empowered and directed to make the following charges to the funds herein set out effective on his books beginning with the current fiscal year of the City: (1) The iraintenance of lights on the city streets, including the salaries of linemen and the repairs to and the purchase of necessary ; street lighting supplies, shall be charged to the automobile fund. (2) All salaries and the necessary ecuipment of members of the Police Department whose duties are confined to the handling of traffic work shall be charged to the Automobile Fund. (7) Ten per cent (100) of the salaries of all officers and employees of the executive departments of the City shall be charged to the Road Fund. (4) Ten per cent (101,o) of all the salaries of all the officers and employees of the executive departments of the City shall be charged to the Automobile Fund. (W Fifty per cent (50 0) of the pay roll of the engineering department of the City shall �)e charged to the Road Fund. ( b) Fifty per cent (50;0) of the salary of Superintendent of Parks ��nd fifty per cent (50 °0) of the salary of the Secret ry to the Superintendent of Parks small be charged to the Road Fund. (7) The equipment and supplies purchased for and used by the Garbage Department in its work on removal of garbage and street cleaning shall be charged to the Automobile Fund. (8) A sum eoual to One Dollar ($1.00) a day per prisoner used exclusively in street work shall be charged to the Road Fund. (9) One —half of the pay roll and the operating andequipment expenses for the repair department of the City shall be charged to the Road Fund. (10) One—half of the gasoline and oil purchased by the City shall be charged to the Road Fund. SECTION 2. The ;mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized, N l � - 2 - "V' - % empowered and directed to charge said funds in accordance with schedule herein set out with said amounts beginning the current fiscal year of the City and. to issue a warrant drawn, on the Road Fund and the Automobile Fund in such an amount as the accountants, employed by the City, shall find each of said funds to be indebted to the General Fund end such warrants shall be deposited to the credit of the General Fund. SECTION ?. Ordinance No. 5254 of June 27th, 1975, is hereby repealed. SECTION 4. Whereas, it is necessary for the City to obtain immediate banking assistance in financing the City and this ordinance being necessary to authorize the setting up of a proper set of book- keeping, an emergency is hereby declared and this ordinance is found to be necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health and safety and the same shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval. Passed; July 5th, 1915. A I ; A PLO Y CLERK �iAYOF.