5306ORDIN010E NO. 5306 ANN O DI11T4A 10E nPPROPrRI TI`13 `=' ?E SU`I OF X4887.44 FROM THE Ga[<ERAL FU1D OF SHE CII'�% M" LI`'TL ril)CK HOB: THE PURPOSE OF PU CHAS l`1Ll n V'T`v �i+�3i .," �C ��� R� t� Oh 1..I, F'Oi.,I ; i? PARTrf NT ;3LRLTOFU i� PROP "RLY CONTRACTED FOR BY THE :BOARD OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS; AND FOE, OTHER PUf P06ES. BE IT ORDAINED BY 31HE CITY COUiu CIL OF THE CITY OF LITT E nOCK, ARKAPd.S z.) ECTION 1. There is hereby appropriated from the general fund of the pity of Little ocrt, `irkansa s the sum of ight Hun- dred i�ighteen Dollars 3ignteen i,ents (''818.18) for the purchase of one (1) automobile fror the firm of "aymond �tebsamen for tie Detective _- 5ureau; there is furtrier appropr;atec from the general fund the sum of �igiht Tundrec Forty -eight Dollars (4848.00`} for sA patrol �� aL,on from t -lie firm of 3. T.R. Thomas the purcr.a�.. of one (1) p �; Company; there is zereby - approgi.ated from tiie .general fund the further sum of Three Thousand One Hundred T_,.;enty -one '­,ollars ,aen- ty -six Cents (:3121.26) for the purchase of four (4) squad cars for tna use of the 'Police Department from the Firm of Bale Chev- rolet Company; the purchase of said automobiles having been here- tofore properly authorized and duly contracted for by the -;oard o-' Public affairs, the .1ayor and City Clerk are hereby directed and authorized to draw an issue city warrants for said sums here- inabove set out to the firms herein mentioned. ECTIG .7':'';hereas, the Police Department is in immediate need of certain automobiles for the use of the department in the proper patrolling and policing; of the streets an _mergency is hereby declared to exist and this ordinance is found to be nec- essary for the irame:di ite preservation of t �e public peace, :health and safety, and the same shall be in f_11 force and effect from and after its passage and approval. Passea: January 20th, 1936 :attest . City Cler��. approve d a or.