5328P c ORuI ^nNCE N0. 5328 AN 0 'DINA CE YPOVIi:ING FOP THE �PPOIT T�1-2 01` � CG" ,T'- REPO"TrLlL FOE THE LITTLE FLOCK MU 4ICIPx`1L COU1tT, CRII IN_ iL DIVI IO���, PROVII ING THE `AL. 7'y l iT _ ;F C�.i; ; r'T" FOP OTHER PU =_ " :'' Thera: are numerous cases fron the Little r 1'tOCk "unicipa.l :Dort, CriMin .l i\ l�iorl, to the ir::at JivI on Circuit Court; and, -.aid cases ,-hen called for trial before saidir - cuit Court have no transcript to the testimony! iven in the lcr;er' court; and,. itness� s frecuently testify di- = erently in Cir- cult Court from the testimony ra'_i .c' 1C.,as liven in I :unici-. ,Dal Court; and, 1 , tuE LLnS, It wo-. ld tend to better conserve the ends of jus- t :' ce that a record of testimony "iven in the Little ioc' `.t_nicinal Court, Criminal :=ivision, be made; and a tr nscript t .ereof filed in the ircait C'ourt .:o;, Therefore, l ; iL t , 1 TITTLE � 7• i; I -:T 1. Thet the ;a,, °or be, nc he -1 b is a_zt lorized Ito a -monnt so.,2a arty to act as court reporter for the Little oc.� lunicipal court, Criminal ivis on. 'EC '"PIOid 2. The salary of sai::: court reporter shall be t1ne su_a of nifty :-collars (;;:50.00) por month and the Jity Collector is hereby authorized to pair s aic_ sum to the party ap ? :o_nted as pro- video above and charge said a -mount to '1-"-'e proper account. EC'�'ION -0. - herea _-, it wo,ald be for the benefit of the peace, health and s fet7, of the citizens of the '-;it-;r of Little ock th,nt a court rer�orter be appointed for the Little oc % :_;'_un- icipal 1:ourt, Criminal ivision, an emergency is hereby declared to exist anc this ordin_;nee shall be in fLzll force and effect fro:-1 a: ,, ar't: z is ",assa,­;e and a_ oroval. M c h, 1936 u._u �•- , i 1