5350r- t'J Ordinance zj No 5350 AN ORDINANCE DEFINING TYE CONSTRUCTION VIDTh OF PA�Mi ENT ON WRIGHT AVENUE FROK THE EAST END OF TIE BRIDGE OVERPASS OF THE MISSOURI PACIFIC AN:D CHICAGO ROCK ISL',7 lv D AND PACIFIC RAILROADS TO THE INTERSECTION OF AVENUE AND SCHILL112 STRI -ETS :- WHEREAS; The Arkansas State Highway Cormnission will widen and improve the pave- ment on '" +right Avenue beb een the Overpass of the T,?issouri Pacific and Hock Island Railroad. and Schiller Street; Be it Ordained by the City Council of Little Dock, Arkansas: Sect. 1. From ard after passage of this Ordinance the width of pavement on '.`big Avenue betiieen Thayer Street and_ the intersection of Schiller Street shall be thirty- ht (35) feet measured from back of curb to back of curb of new constricted curb, and from the east end of the Missouri Pacific, Rock Island Overpass to the vilest curb line of Thayer Street the width is variable being twenty -one (21) feet at the overpass end and thirty -five (35) feet at the intersection of Thayer and'rrright Avenue. Sect. 2. That all ordinances a -n,!. parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Sect. 3. Whereas: The present narrow road, ^ray and volume of traf'ic constitutes a menace to the public safety, convenience and welfare, which menace de!aw-ids that the width of pavement on7.'right Avenue be changed to the iaridth herein set forth, and dedicated, an emergency is hereby declared to exist and this ordinance being necessary for the preserva- tion of the public peace, health and safety, an emergency is hereby declared to exist and this - ordinance shall be in full force from and after its passage and public issue. passed and approved by vote of 1k _ __. _ members_ of the City Council_ on this the 29th day of June ATTEST: 1 'savor AKCity Clerk. STATE OF COUNTY 04' PUI,ASKI CITY OF LI':!_'TLN -LOCK. I, , the duly elected. and acting clerk: of the City of Little Rock, Arkansas, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing in- strLw -ent of nritin- is a true and correct copy of Ordinance No. " passed and approved by the City Council of the City of Little Rock, Arkansas, on the day of 1936, and will be shown by the original Ordinance now on file in my office. SEAL: This day of 1936. City Clerk