5361ORDI CE 1'0 - 5361, A? 0 DIN . CL _�UTHORIZ'ING T E 1x CITY CL�� : "'U -IT *m ��i'r� T's ri .i C^ 1 T "1 mil- - .,� !�", ?D L__,�CUTE L 7 0? :?', ?ELF O� _ CITY GF LIT' GCi'i �G((j'' CEIRT II�Ni YROF'3_:T r DLS- BE IT O'DAII»D BY TH CITY COUNCIL OF T?-: CITY O.P LITTLO L'OCK, n z- a ;S SECTION 1. That upon the passage and approval of this Ord.in ance the :;ayor and City Clerk are hereby ordered, directed and authorized to enter into a lease agreement by and betiaeen the City of Little Nock as Lessor, and Ben Lessenberry as Lessee, for cer- tain property more accurately described as follows, to -wit: Martin Street beginning at East Second 'street and running South 310 feet. 3LCTIOI? 2. The remuneration to the City of Little Rock from the said Ben Lessenberry shall be the sum of Tvaenty -five Dollars (425.00) per year, and. the lease shall be for a period of tifrenty (20) yearn, to be dated upon the passage of this ordinance. Uaid lease shall contain an option of reneaal. CIC J 3. c .` , It mill be for the best interest of the peace, i_ealth and safetj- of the citiz ns of the pity of Little Iock that this ordinance go into immediate effect, an emergency is hereby declared to exist and same shall be in full force and effect from :.nd after its passag e and approval. Passed: August 10,1936. Attest: City -61srk. ,Lppro(ved: Mayor