5369R ° 0 177TITYMN7 ,y AN OFiDIAAFCi A gp $XNG , TRZ 8QAM OF PUBLIC AF1' DS FOR TMPURCIF ASM j Q ' l ir1+ Slam`. TRS FIR DZPART - 1 APPRt _ 3iTl[ ©F �1', 500.00 FR,4R ?� FIR � PUR �R TIDE CHAa I 07,��.��♦ 10'44 4ROA11iD . B3 TN° 019T? - 060CIL' OF TH1,0IT3 OTIA6ITTL1 ROCK: Section 1. Thor* is hereby appropriated from the Fire gquipment Fund the sum of #1,500.00 or so mach thereof an may be neosssary for the purchase of the following equipment: Water proof clothing and helmets. for the use of the Little Rook Fire Department; and-the Board of Public Affairs is hereby authorised to proceed to eAkvertise for bids for same and award sa#d oentract to the lowest reanF,ble bidder. Section 2. Whereas, said equipment is im ddi`ately needed by the department for use In fighting of fires an emergency is therefore hereby declared to exist and this ordinance is found to be forethe preservation of the public peace, health and safety and same shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval. Passed: September 14th, 1936 Appr©ved� two ir '