5423ORDINANCE NO. 542-5 All ORDINANCE ABANDONING AidD CLOSING SUi,,,11IT AVENUE OVER THE RIGHTS OF WAY AND TRACKS OF THE MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILROAD COMP ,1Y AND THE CHICAGO, ROCK IS- LA ,TD & PACIFIC RAILWAY 001.1PANY- VMREAS, in order to obtain the construction of subway under the tracks of the 1,1issouri Pacific Rail- road Company and The Chicago, Rock Island & PacificRail- way Company at 17est Seventh Street, it was necessary to agree to close Sum. it Avenue where it crosses the rights of way and tracks of said companies. Now, `therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY TIE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK: That that part of Summit Avenue located on the rights of way and across the tracks of the Missouri Pacific Rail- road Company and The Chicago, Hock Island & Pacific Rail- way Company is hereby closed and the use of said avenue at said point abandoned. Passed: March 8th, 1937 Attest: City Clerk. Approved: L ayor.