5432ORDIN -MCE NC. 5432 ANI CnDIiTAVCE FIXING THE SALARY OF =w CITY TRRASURER FCR TF' CITY CF LITTLE ROCK, AND FCR OTHER PURPOSES. Be it ordained by the city council of the city of Little -':�ock: SECTION 1. Beginning April 12, 1937, the city treasurer of the city of Little Rock shall be raid a salary of $135.00 per month, X60.00 to be paid from the general revenue funds of the city of Little Rock, XXX $50.00 to be maid from the income of the Little Rock municipal waterworks, and $25.00 from the Little Rock Sewer System. SECTION 2. All ordinances and parts of ordinances and all resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed, and this ordinance shall take effect and be in force From and after tipril 12, 1937. Passed: Iuiarch 15, 1937 J t: City Clerk. mayor.