5638ORDINANCE 1 - 5638 AN ORDINANCE DECLARING THE 50UNDINGF OF AUTOMOBILE HORNS AT COLD DRINK ANDCOR. RICH STATIONS AFTER 818M, P-it. A NUISANCE* PROHIBITING THE SAM3- PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLAT ION HERROPM FOR OTHER PURPOSES: �1 BL IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LITTLE i ARKANW SECTION 1. That from and after the passage and approve of this. Ordinance, any person operating a vehicle and sounding the jhprn or bell on saw at any places where cold drinks and/or sandwich a ! at any place located outside of the fire limit • are servred,after Eleven (11) P.M. /in the City of Little Rock shall be deemed guilty, of a_ misdemeanor, and upon. conviction shall be fined in any sum not lose than Two Dollara -( #2.00) nor more than liFivre Dollars: ($5.00). SMION 2. The Chief of Police of the Gity of Little Rock la hereby instructed to speaifically order_ the enforcement of this. Ordlnans*, and it sha-11 be the duty of the Chief of, Police, o x his Aswiatant, to receive eomplaints with reference to violation of this Ordinance, and to immediately dispatch a Squad -car or 49toreycle Officer to the scene of the complaint. SECTION 3. Whereas, sounding of horns and bells at �eold.drink and sandwich establishments has reached such proportions that it has become a. nuisance to those living in the neighborhood., and disturbs their rest, an emergency is hereby declared to exist and. this. Ordinance is found to be necessary for the immediate preservation of the public. peace, health and safety, and the awe" i shall be in full force and effect from and after ita passage approval . ft -esed eptember 12, 1938 At to at a Approve 4i __� , r a a y G1erk Raver i