5940ORDINANCE N0. 5940. AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING Ii PROVM -1M T DISTRICT il4o. 537• MHEREAS, parties claiiUng to be the owners of two - thirds in assessed value of property located within the territory herein- after described, have filed a petition praying that an iiliprove- meht district be established for the Durpose hereinafter set out. 4,1,ereas, after due notice as required by law, the city council of the city of Little Rock, Arkansas alas lieard all parties desir- ing to be heard, and has ascertained that said petition was sighed by two - thirds in assessed value of the owners of real property within said territory; now therefore, be it ordained by tine city council of the city of i ittie Rock, Arkansas. Section. -1. There is hereby established an improvement dis- trict eiubracing the following property: Lots 9- 10- 11- 12- 13- 14 -15, Block 18, Lincoln Park Addition All of Block 17, Lincoln Park Addition Lots 1- 2- 3 -4 -5, Block 29, Pulas <i Heights Addition Lots 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- 7- $- 9- 1U- 11- 12- 13 -14, Block 32, Lincoln Park Addition Lots 1- 2- 3- 4- t3- 9- 10- 11- 12 -1 -14, Block 31, Lincoln Park Addition. Lots 4,506,718,9, Block 19, Pfeifers Addition Lots 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- 7- 1Ei- 19 -20, Block 20, Pfeifers Addition Lots 4, 5, 6, Block' 16, Pf eif ers addition Lots 1 -2 -3, Block lb, Pfeifers Addition for the purpose of ;trading, draining, curbing and guttering with a concrete curb and gutter, and paving with a 2" asphalt pavement, hot mix, placed on a compacted 6" thic` -mess stone base, the foilowing parts of the following streets in the city of Little Rock, Arkansas, to -vviti Harrison street froia the south pro;_ erty line of Lee Avenue to the north property line of Lot 3, Block 29, Pulaski Heights Addition where Woodlawa Avenue intersects Harrison street "C" street from the west property line of lyier Stree t to the west property li.ie of Lot 4, Block 16, Pfeifers addition Woodlavvu Avenue fro:.i the east -_� ro_�erty liize of Polk street to the ',�iest property line of harrisoa street Tyler street from the center of the alley between "BP street and "C" street to the south property line of Woodlawn Avenue Lee Avenue Troia the west property line of Lot 4, Block 19, Pf eif ers Addition to the wes -� property line of Harrison street is such a iianaer as the co. i.ssioiiers to oe elected for the said t itL prove:uent district small dee a to be for the nest interest of F. said district, and that the cost thereof in excess of any aid received froru any federal or other L;overmuent agency be assessed and charged upon the real property above descriued. Said district shall be Known as street improvez!ent district No. 07 , and C. A. EaLriel, C. B. Johnston and A. . -.. Faulkner, are hereby nai.ued coi�Assioners Who shall eom~Noae the board of iruproveiuent for said district. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force froy, and after its passage, fgglx xal�A=74wtx=xxxxxxxxxxxxxdc QLXMIx*ca xxxxu. PASSED: