5948R sk ORDINANCE NO. 5,949 AN !ORDINANCE SUBMITTING TO THE VOTERS OF* THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS, THE QUESTION WHETHER IT WILL ISSUE BONDS TO THE EXTENT OF $ 47.500.00 FOR THE POSE OF THE IliPROYEIiI[ENT OF THE FAIR PARK OWNED. BX +CO=TRUCTIN'Q AND. BUILDINGS BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Section 1. An election is hereby called to be held at the usual polling places in the City of Little Rock, Arkansas, on the 2! rdday of "kult , 19 .0, for the purpose of deter--" mining whether the City of Little Rock shall issue $47,500.00 in negotiable bonds, bearing interest at a rate not to exceed five per cent per annum, but convertible to a lower rate of 4 interests an such terms that the City shall pay and receive sub - stantially the same amount of money, said bonds to be payable as follows: 2000 in each of the years 1944 to 1950, incl. 2500 in each of the years 1951 to 1954, incl. $3000 in each of the years 1955 to 1957, incl. $3500 in each of the years 1958 to 1960, incl. $1+000 in the year 1961 said bonds to be issued for the purpose of the improvement of the Fair Park owned by the City by constructing and equipping pa a modern swimming pool and additional' ildings; and to be dated as near the date of sale thereof as practicable,, but ' not later than March 1, 19/.1. Section 2. Said election shall be conducted and the votes thereat eanvassed and the result thereof declared under the law and in the manner now provided for municipal-dIec- Lions, and notice of said election shall be given by the Mayor by advertisement weekly for at least four (1,) times in some news- paper published in the City of Little Rock, and having a bona #2• fide circulation therein, the last publication to be not less than ten days prior to the date of said election. The ballots for said election shall be marked: "FOR for $47,500.00 for the purpose the City. aq► to swimming pool and additional parr buildia 8 s. "AGAINST Bond Issue for $47,500.00 for the pur- pose of the improvement of the Fair Park owned by the City by constructing and equipping a modern swimming pool and additional park buildings." At said election only qualified voters of the City of Little Rock will have the right to vote. The result of said election shall be proclaimed by the Mayor by publication in some news- paper published in said City of Little Rock, and his proclama- tion shall advise the citizens and property owners of said City that the result as proclaimed will be conclusive unless attacked in the Courts within thirty (30) days after the date of shah proclamation. Section 3. It is ascertained and hereby declared that the facilities for the healthful exercise of swimming in the City of Little Rock are inadequate, and the inhabitants of the City seek swimming places outside of the City, which, because of the lack of sufficient guards and their unsanitary condition, are a menace to the health and safety of the public; and that by reason of the present economic conditions, many citizens of the City are out of work, and the improvements herein provided would furnish work for a large number of men and i thereby add to the peace, health and happiness of the City. It is, therefore, declared that an emergency exists, that this ordinance is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health and safety, and that this ordinance shall r i take effect and be in force from and after its passage. e o • � j2 ATTEST CITY CLERK