6007ORD I?,rAr1 E 1; o . 6007 AN ORDINA'CE AUT-iORI2_T:iCT TTE 30ARD 01 PU3LIC A "FAIRS TO ADV1;RT F'OR BIDS FOR AITD AI:E PURC'IASE OF A CONVEYOR BELT FOR TI'_E ROCK: CRUSHE R, AIID FOP, OT TER PURPOSES . BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY C07' 11CT_L OF 'LITTLE ILOC :, ART.417SAS: Section 1. The Board of Public Affairs is '..erebyr authorized to advertise for bids for and nal e ,urc :ase of a 144 foot, 2,1 x 5 pl;,, 32 ounce conve„or belt. with 1/8 "and 132" covers for the rock crusher, said belt to cost approx- inatel- Four hundred Fift;; Dollars (1450.00). Section 2. The belt, . °r'iose purchase is authorized i in Section 1 of t'ii s ordinance, s :all be --;aid for out of tl.e :airport Cc2,strizctio,: Fund. Section 3. T"-,is ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval. Passed : Oeto.er 3, 10+0 Atte �h VE