6008ORDIITANCE rro. 6009 AId ORDINANCE THE BOARD OF PUBLIC AFFII'RS TO ADVERTISE FOR T3IDS FOR jLTD l.` ^iI:E PLT?,C_ =fiSE OF CERTAIN 11ISCELL.1i'EOUS E: TTIPT ETTT "ECESSARY -D USEFUL I', T14E OPL- '!?^_'IOIT OF 'I'T ROCI� C LUSHE ' XXXXXXXXXXXY.Y.XXXX OF THE CITY OF TITTLE 710C :, .1.D FOR GT'El: PURPJSEW. T T ty�V mT - LITTLE C1_� r�1j.CTL Ii �.E �� �. L_TT.��, 1LOCf: Section 1. Tile card of Public Affairs -mss authorized to advertise fee b''.� for enCi r._a?;e y urchase of r..iscellaneous ecuip.ment as eat c,,t b =1—,—_ � ^cess:.r; and useful for the operation of the rock crusher XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX c_' t .e city of Little Took at a cost of approxinatel -r Fifteen Hundred T'i °t;; Dollars ( ' l r- 50.00) : luantit, Unit Deser - -tion 150 each ?,��'" v 1 1//,,411 1 achine Bolts and nuts 100 each '" x 1 - 'achine 'jolts and nuts 100 each fi�8" ;: l�`" r: —i*ne bolts and nets 50 each 5,�3" x 2 " - -iachine bolts a_ad nuts 6 each ' S .reflo Oil Cups, 3/8" 12 eacl: 1,, 4" Crease Cups 25 each Stra r.t lecl_ Grelse Fittinz;s 1/4 "; Bork 25 L eac_i II ff Tr i� n F X011 L _.ecy .'ease ittin�s 3, u 1 onl;r 58" T)ia::eter, split pulle *, 12" face, 3/4" tiie-, Way, 2 15/16" bore. Tl.i Pulley T,_.etal 200 each 3/8" ria siers 300 each 5/8" �"tiashers 5f6" feet 1" harden hose 19 feet 2" eft 12 sticks. Belt Dressin 17 each 3, 16" x 1 1,r Stove bolts nuts 7 yds f.eady -1 ix Concrete 4 eac1l Tian -,. levels, 5" nicl.el silver with dra: °r e,re -)ieoe and n..aznif;�in ,,- lens at the end of dra:., f or the bubble with stadia '':airs readier; 1 :20 in sewed leather ?oue1, -with belt loop 4 each Level in„ rods :grit tar0et, w'_.ite paple or its equivalent, t:•ro slidin3 sections read4.n" 7.0 feet closed, slidinZ out to 13 feet, loci -ed to,,ether a_ainst jarrinZ or lipninZ by an automatic loch. 18 pieces 1/2"" Reinforced Steel "D" f'orned, 20' lcn�; 13.36 lbs. per piece. each Upper l:er plate ;a`3G7;� g each Lower he-., "late 809X 1 only ToZ -le Plate -312X 1 on 1 to " 1813X 1 on J;r -813T 3 each Toole Plate Seats „'811X I on 1­ T,- ovablc Ja:,r '-303X 1 on 1y Stationar', Ja:,r 302X 1 only Steel Tape, 50 feet graduated in feet inc..es and one eizht inches. 2 Heavy duty j ac l_ hanne r s 2 sets `._'iscellaneous drills for 'heay., duty jack hariners Necessar;,r small tools incident to operation of crusher Duplicate set of stand-by or repair parts for rock crus'..er. Section 2. The parts :Sr.ose purchase is authorized in Section 1 of this ordinance shall be paid Section 3. T`:i s ordina froi.. and ).ftcr its passaZo and Passed: 00 Ober 3, 1q40 �;ttest• v Clerk for out of the Airport Construction Fund. ace shell pbo, full fl rce and effect approval. ' Approved: a _,