6363i� ORDI ZA CE 1,TjO, b33 ORDINANCE LEVYING ! ".I ADDITIONAL TAX ON THE ASSEMUENT BEIMFITS OF STREET I.PROVE `ENT DISTRICT 453 OF THE CITY 'F LITTLE ROCK, ARKA.I?SAS. ''OHEREAS the tax levied by Ordinance 080, e:atitled "An ordinance assessing tne value of renefits to be received by the owners of each of the several lots, blocks and barcels of lt,.nd within Street I n�)rove Pent District Rao. 453 of the City of Little Rock, Arkansas" passed by the City Council of said City A7igust 30, 1926 he .s proven insufficient to pay for the i rove.:ients na.de by said astrict; and WHEREAS the Board of Commissioners has reported the deficiency to the Council and the r- tio'_int thereof is 84,5 5.71 phis interest; and ih�'RFAS a, total of 90% of said assessaent of benefits payable in install.iierits of 6"lo etch on ,ovembet, 1, of each of the yep rs 1920 to 1940 inclusive was levied by said Ordinance No. 4080, r nd there is now available the re- taining; 10% of s,-,-id a.scessiuent of benefits to oe levied to )ay said deficiency. NO-'d-, THTREFORE, be it ordained by the City Council of the C ty of Little Rock, Arkansas: Section 1. That the severa_1 lots, clocks and p,,_-rcels of real Pro-perty in said district be assessed according to the assess.nent list for said i aprove_iient district as the same naw re_iiains in the of -Lice -�f the City ClE =rk, and Gs the same iiay be annually re -ad i.sted by the Board of Assessors, and thn.t six percentu:n on eech of said lots, blocks and )a.reels shall be paid on or before tae i'irst day of r�- Fta��orR �:.nd four -,)ercentum on each of said lots, clocks and -Daxcels FceRoo1ky, I. 19x4.3. saF ll ,;e :-yid on or oefore Secti ^n 2. Thr.t all Ordinances and - -)arts of Ordinances in conflict herevrith be and the- same are hereby repealed, ��nd this Ordinance sha11. be in full force F.nd effect from and after its passage. PA66i:D: January 19, 1942 Aonroved • ATTFtS �: AYOR .�- CITY CLERK