6837ORDINANCE NO. 6837. AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING 4120,056.78 FOR THE PAYMENT OF MATURING PRINCIPAL AND SEMI- ANNUAL INTLRLoT COUPONS ON FUNDING BOND ISSUE OF MAY 12 19252 AND SEMI- ANNUAL INT�RG6T COUPONS ON REFUNDING BOND ISSUE OF NOVEMBLR 1, 1935, AND SEMI- ANNUAL INTh;RE;ST ON REFUND. ING BOND ISSUE OF NOVEPABER it 1938, AND PAYING AGENTS CHARGLS THEREON; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: SECTION 1. That the sum of $120,056.78 be and the sane is hereby appropriated out of the Bond and Interest Fund of the City of Little. Rock for the payment of the following indebtedness' due -an_d pa1­ - able at the Chase National Bank, New York City, on November 1, 1945: Maturing principal of bonds numbered 1223 to 1324, inclusive...... ......... ....................$102,000.00 Interest coupons numbered 40 due November 1, 1945 for semi - annual interest on Funding Bonds Nos. 1223 to 1910, inclusive, dated May 1, 1925, , (total principal being $688,000.00). ................ 15,480.00 Interest coupons numbered 20 due November 1, 1945 for semi - annual interest on Refunding Bonds Nos. 1 to 66, inclusive, dated November 1, 19351 (total principal being $33,000.00) .................. 742.50 Interest coupons numbered 14 due November 1, 1945 for semi- annual interest on Refunding Bonds Nos. 1 to 75, inclusive, dated November 10 19391 (total principal being $75,000.00). ................. 1,687.50 Commission for, eying maturing principal (1 /10 of 1% of 1102, 000 .00)......... ................ 102.00 Commission for paying coupons due November 1, 1945 (1/4 of 1% of $17, 910 .00).. ......................... ?4.78 TOTAL $120,056.78 SECTION 2. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to issue the City's warrant or warrants therefor, drawn on the Bond and Interest Fund, payable to the Peoples National Bank, Little Rock, Arkansas, for the payment of the maturing principal, semi - annual interest and paying agents charges herein recited. SECTION 3. The City Clerk is hereby authorized to make such arrangements as are necessary for the negotiations for and the transmittal of these funds to the Chase National Bank of New York- City to meet the due date of November 1, 1945- SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval. PASSED: October 22, 1945• ATTEST: APPROVED: ity Clerk. Mayor.