7569�A . 1 ORDIRMCE No. 7569 AN WINANCS BEMAS,SMINQ THAT PART OF LMS 3 AND 4 BLt K 49 PuLan REIMS AIMITION TO LITTLE MOCK DESCRIBE AS FCLLt St BEGIN AT A POINT CK THE NORTH LIMB tF LOT 3s, A FM MEW OF ME COMM OF UID BLOCK; THENCE NEW ALM NO n LIM OF SAID HMK 74* FEET TO NR CthtN CtP LOT 4; THENCE SOUTH ON LINE' i UNS 4 An 5, 75 FEET, THENCE BAST PARALUM TO IMTH LINE OF SAID MOCK 75.07 FIST, THENCE 1 -mmys 75 Fir TO POINT w moon NI s AxD=G mixmi CE Nil* 5420 As Amm; AND FOR oTm PURPOBas. BE IT ORD&INRD BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ID CK, ARICIt+i SEAS s SECTION le That Part of Lots 3 and 4, Block 49, Pulaski Heights Addition to Little Rock described as follows: Begin at a point on the North line of Lot 3s 50 feet West of HE corner of said Block; thence West along North line of said Block 74* feet to NN corner of Lot 4; thence South on line between Lots 4 and 5, 75 feet, thence East parallel to North line of said Block T5 *07 feet, thence North 75 feet to point of beginning, being 5212 "I* Street, heretofore classified and zoned as "A" one family District under the terns of Zoning Ordinm ce Noe 5420, is hereby rezoned and reclassified and the saes is hereby declared to be in 000 two fmmily District corder the togs of said Zoning Ordinance SECTION 2* That ordinance No. 5420 and the Zoning Yap thereto attached and made a part thereof, are hereby amended to permit the r eclassi- fication and rezoning of Part of Lots 3 and 4, Block 49, Pulaski Heights Addition to Little Rock described as follovat Begin at a point on the North line of Lot 3s 50 feet West of NE corner of said Block; thence best along North line of said Block 74J feet to NY corner of Lot 4; thence South one line between Lots 4 and 5, 75 feet, thence Fast parallel to Worth line of said Block 75 *07 feet, thence North 75 feet to point of beginning, as outlined In Seetien 1 hereef; said property to be hereafter known and classified an being in "C" two f amily District as provided in Section 1 hereof* MECTIAN 3• That this ordinance shall tike effect and be in force from and after its passage, �w_ .�; >w ,� Asa � -,.... •,F. �--- ,- -^-. —_ I