8082a OTz )IT?AITC 8082. i1 ?` �i' T �r'"'TTV rm *� in �f F1? PP M1T,ni 2 .i, AN OR._ I i. C . C_ _ _I _ IVIr: ,; - -C! - , -7,75 LOT OITE - (1) , P?;OCIr T' JO T -T Ni) �'.1D FIFTY T IO (252) , ORI'' T'IAL CiTY OF T ?TTI'?. iU CK A)DITiON TO T7E CiTY OF LITTL:] ROCK, ARI'l�? SAS; A?��ITDI'TC• 0 )I' ?? C I':0, 5/- 20 AS MENDFP; APID FOB OTH'R PTH'POS- ^,S: BE IT C LDAF1%T--1' BY T -T CITY COT PICA, OF TIIJ CITY OF LI" T' ; ?Oru, S ,CTiOPT 1. That i_.ot 1, Block 252, Original City of Little Rock Addition to the City* of Litt1.e Rock, Arkansas, beinZ 923 West lath Street, heretofore classified and zoned as "D" Apartment District under the terms of Zoning Ordinance No. 5420, is hereby rezoned and reclassified and the sane is hereby declared to be in "F" Com^iercial District and -r the t -rms of said Zoni:T7 OrJinance, an( a waiver of .front and side -rard space reouirements is hereby nranted. SECTIOPT 2. That Ordnance PJo. 542-0 and the Zon_inr-, �'t ^.n thereto attached and made a -art thereof, a_re hereby amended to -erm't the reclassification and rezoning of Lot 1, Block 252, Original City of Tiittl e `lock Addition to the City of Little Rock, Arkansas, as outlined in Section 1_ hereof; sr.id nronerty to be hereafter known an,� classified as beinn in "F" Commercial District and with front and side yard space reouire-ents waived as provided in Section 1 hereof. SECTICH 3. That this ordinance sh!il1 take effect a.nd be in force from and after its rassn -e. PASS: August 29, 1949. ATT "{;ST : ✓ .CTTv CT-,,?I, 11),-)ID 1. . a .ln �rpl�