1135511,355 '03 I I'N G T subsection of ''ection. 6. or Gr6inance se ,.e be. �-' , 0. ir.:� an es-a- C-Le aster 1 C 3 r 6 n a . n c e ell,-.y amencec, Z'lan o:- a r n i r- i V her 6 creel to rear; a- s ': o 11 ovi S : thii-1 the. Ilannin - `,''.—a ..-..ny Su�-G-'-Vicer o�� MM Ti s Ell oz t1le Lit-Lie Ilannin, -�o ion, who proposes to mace or have mace a suboi-vision o7 lanc shall C-1 any cori'Lorm to this -plan by inc"licatin,., on an- pl-ats or c 'raw-L �n subinitte6 to said commission for its consicier- ation, any major street identifi-e6 on this plan which traverses on a'L-7uts the said property, and shall plat -er- a 16 to the width an c. in the location ceL 6 nP dedicate :3 0 I-M 11 1-1 inineG Dy -c coia ission, al shall 0 F -t o'- way as is not 'n excess of 100 feet �- ri :.I:L I however, t'hat no C0 Li C 0 L J- on may in -�,7i-uLiA,, -provicied, re-,--uircci in excess o.2- DO `:eat -1-:rom the center line of said jro-poseu r. -ht -of-way. �,iny right-of-way rec uire- r',.ent in excess of 160 feet in -,7-'!-C,,th (5-0 feet on either 4 S-Acic- oJ Line center line) -v7nich, noL C'ecdcateo. 3t treat time shall 'Cle reserved for -Future acq-uisition by the City Little '3uch accui-s-ition :-,ust I mace within O'L A. i' twelve 112) 7nonths from. the C';aLe the sul-cdvicierls -c;lat is ';Dresentc-C! to the Little "loc".--. .:.lannin- Go=ission. �,-urCher - 31 act uis tion shall ` e cieemeo as havinr;, I-r-en 0 c, w h, �n Pi ther an option to -urchase i s executed or - I-,n is file sui_t 'to cone.: ?_" C, I-,) Y t--'i-ie '.ALL'y or '-o c'- rovi Qe G ) however,, no sul�oiivi.c .er t"he ',rivile'--.-e o+-: havin- a ;--�Iat approveo solely "oy reason o-r.: A: 7 tit 4- ;u �P- of r -- sery =e r i � he - o: - w'V a unlp Cer y C. `T'UVa-scs sai su- 6!:-vs .,Anes F-n(. C -cdvicer w.. kiin sixtNT -Lro7,1: the ocL�-- his plat i.s. .--,res-nLe6 'C- o t, Little roc_- " " '-%I -o�-- -.u.- i ' i lan-n--ia or-.',LAss ion Lil0t i.uncs c, isltion 771.11 ava-ile.-'-.1c T-dtfiiri twlelve (12) inonLlhs rrOr the Gate saic-I plat is .3o oresentec." this ordinance shall be in full force and -C-ect frof:, an, as=ter its I,assa.-e and y jL) L J1): January 21, 1963 T: �erwJ.e -sue Lily C, y o r 0