1051K RPS0 OLUTION T10. 10510 ,Vhereas, the Nays and Means Committee, a special committee appointed by the T1ayor, and the City Council sitting as a cemmitte� of the whole, have been unable, within the time allowed, to class- ify and define to their satisfaction the several trades, vocations' professions, callings and business, and fix what would be to our satisfaction an equitable and just license for the same; and,. `,'hereas, there is no objection to the schedules fixed in the proposed ordinance known as Schedule A; and, ;7hereas, all interested persons have not had a chance . to be heard on many of the trades and callings named in other schedules; and, .hereas, from investigation we are convinced that any ordi- nance adopted attempting to cover all vocations, callings, trades and Drofessions in Little Rock would necessarily have to be amended from time to time; and, "hereas, owing to the pressing financial needs of the city some progress should be made; arid, ,,hereas, it is the desire of the Council, sitting as a whole to do equity and justice to all concerned: TNF,RF.FORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That we recommend to the Council of the City of Little Rock, Arkansas, the passage of the follow - ing. ordinance as a separate ordinance, which is intended to anal does cover all of the items included or placed under Schedule A in the proposed draft of an ordinance considered by the Citizens Committee and by the Council as a committee of the whole. Adopted: June 23, 1919. A t e s `. • o� % fl�G�l� q0. Cit Y Clerk. Approved: r j Mayor. r g, r