1048I I A( hk RESOLUTII)II 110. Whereas, J. B. Bateman et have petitioned the city council that a portion of School Street and one alley in !JcLean's Addition be closed, to enable them to deed an undivided piece of acreage property to the Omaha Hardwood Lumber Company for the erection of a plant; and, Whereas, they are the owners of all lands adjacent, holding -tinder the Union Trust Company, as Trustee; NOW, TIEREFORE: BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COTRIMIL OF TiE CITY 01' LITTLE ROCK: That the Board of Public Affairs of the City of Little Rock is hereby directed, through its president and secretary, to execute a quitclaim deed to the Union Trust Company, as Trustee, convoying to said Union Trust Company, as Trustee, that portion of School Street lying south of a line drawn from the southeast corner of Block Five (5), 'I'vicLean's Addition, to the northriest cor- ner of Block Nine (9), McLean's Addition, and also conveying to Said Union Trust Company, Trustee, as grantee, the alley lying be- tween Blocks Five (5) and Eight (8) of 1JcLean'S Addition. And the said Board of Public Affairs is hereby directed t3 perform such other acts as may be necessary to make said convey- ance effectual. Passed: Approve attest. C Te; erg