1047'RESOLUTION NO. 1047, WHIP tAS, that portion of the pavement upon Weet 23rd Street, between and for two feet immediately outside the rails of the Little Rock Railway and ';.lectric company, is badly in need of repair and it is the duty of the Little Rock Railway and ',,lectric Company to maintain said pavement in good condi- tion, Now, Therefore, .117? IT R3SOLIM BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LITTLE DOCK: T''hat, The Little Rock Railway and ,Uectric Company be requested and required to im!ied�ately repair said portions of said pavement and hereafter maintain said pavement in good condition, and '.Chat, The City ,"lark furnish the pro ?)er officials a copy of these resolutions. Adopted: March 31, 1919, Attest: City C k. Appr d; Mayo r.