s the Timber 1otor `'ompany is erecting an auto-
mobile factory in the south - eastern part of the city of
uittle ijock, and
Whereas a large number of emplMes will be needed_ in the
operation of tTie business to be condlacted at said place
and xk
�horeas said site is far rer.ioted from any sewer district
or I&ssible to any sewer,therefore be it
Resolved by the city uolmcil of the city of 'ittle Mock,
ec. I. That gaid Climber L.otor Company shall haves
rl} t to ins all a sanitary se�,�a.ge di,posa system of
sufficient dimensions to aecomodate its employees, pro-
T ded however, whenever, sewer connec pion is available,
the s : me shall. be made in conformit, to the ordinances
of the city.
A city C
Appro d: