1041!I . RESOLUTION NO. 1041. WHEREAS, The City Incinerator has become a nuisance and serious menace to the health and comfort of the ci tizens in fR its present vicinity and should be moved at once. Therefore, BE IT RHSOL'TED '?Y THE CIT`.j COUNCIL OF THE CIT`r OF LITTLE ROCK,ARK., That, The 1.1ayor do appoint a committee of three to select a new site upon which to locate said incinerator, said site to be not less than one mile from the present city limits. That, Said committee secure prices upon such sites as may appear feasible upon which to erect said incinerator and estimates of the cost of remoiral thereof to said new site and that said committee report back to this Council not later than the second Council meeting; hereafter. Adopted: February 10, 1919. Atte City Clerk. raved: