1039Q i RESOLUTION NO. 1039. 'NHEREAS, The taking of the Federal Census is only a few months away, and WIEREAS, The City of Little Rock is a rapidly growing, municipality and should include within its geographical limits all the territory which adjoins the City and benefits by its continued growth and activity, and 111EREAS, The City of Argenta was once a part of Little Rock and the causes bringing about its separation no longer exist, and the same City laws should govern and be en- forced.in like manner in both cities and one municipality could be operated at less expense than the two separate cities: NOW, THEREFORE, PE IT RESOL'rED BY THE CITY COUNCIL Off LITTLE ROCK: That, This Council .favors the annexation of Argenta and such other territory as may be necessary to constitute a bigger and better Little Rock, and That, The Aldermen of the City of Little Rock individually and collectively go on record as being in favor of annexation, and pledge oursel-.,es in favor of this merger. Adopted: January 20, 1919. A t j.-e' \ City C1 rk. Ann r ed: May .