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:RESOLIMOS1 11t). ;030.
3hereas, the United States Fuel 2-dministration has re-
vested that the "skip- stop" syste:., of operating street cars in
'_' iu city be put into effect; and,
Wherbas, it is the desire of the ?people of the City of
Little Rock to f lly meet: the' demands of the 7edera.l :rovernr.tent
in all war activities:
1.0:7, ?3E IT RESOLVE) 3Y IM CI -'Y OF _:
C12" ID 7Ji122LB ROCK:
Section 1. That the Little Rock Railw:.y f ;, Electric
Company is permitted to install ghat is 't.,-Ilown as the "skip - stop''
1, system upon all of its lines in the .City of Tittle Rock in &11
sections outside of the business district, as 12ereinafter de-
Section 2. Street cars shall in no event, in the dis-
trict where said syste ,; is installed, pass riore than one inter-
secting street without stopping and on all return trips shall
sto_� at alternate streets.
Section 3. The "business section" shall be construed
to mean Bain Street, from Ninth Street to i;iarkham Street,
East iiarkham Street, from Main Street to Cumberland Stree` , �.nd
,rest Markham Street, from Main Street to Spring Street.
Section 4. she permission granted herein is only for
the 1oeriod equal to the duration of the present war and for six
months after the conclusion of l)eaee wit ! uerr:1any.
Section 5. Said "skip -stop" system shall not be placed
in o1oeration by the .,ittle Rock Railway rz Electric Company until
the cold )any' s plan, s ho';✓ing in det�Al intersecti >>g streets at
hich cars shall stop and systei:i or ma.r'inC, said streets co that
passengers muay, nnow at w1nich corners said cars shall stop, shall
be submitted to and �.:y�y)roved by this cosine
Adopted: Jetober 28, 1918_ .1 2
... i .