hereas, the United States Government intends to install
meters upon ,the ,lines of a44 flirt rate consur;er. s of water fur-
ni shed by the ,Arkani.a Water Company and has requested that no
charge be made for excavation permits:
Now, Therefore, the Department o.f'lublic 7orks is re-
quested and .instructed to make no charge for the issuance of.
permits for excavations for installation of meters set by the
Federal Government or anyone acting for the Federal Government,
or the l�rkansas ;Pater Company or anyone acting for the Arkansas
Water Company, in all cases where meters are installed under the
.jauthority of the emergency ordinance passed October 7, 1918, giv-
ing the Arkansas Water Company the privilege of setting meters
upon the lines of all consumers in the City of 7_,ittle ?dock for a
period equal to the duration of the present war with Germany and
one year thereafter.
Regular application, giving the necessary and usual data
to the Department of Public ';Yorks, shall be furnished before ex-
cavation is made, and the permit shall be issued in the usual
manner, but without the usual fee being paid to
by the Government or Company.
Adopted: dam/ /
e department
8 r6l .4