1025i o. 1C25, Resolution ,ad whereas, I:ir. A. B. Poe iq tl =is day severi.nrr his official connection with the nunizipal government of Little Rock, after a service of more than fifteen ,years in the capacity of Alderman, member of the Board of Public affairs, and otherwise, in which he has demonstrated rare executive ability, and an unswerving devotion to the welfare of the city cohere he has lonr; been honored . as a business man, as a public official, and a patriotic citizen, and AD Whereas, he has considered it advisable to establish his residence elsewhere, and is plannin,- to remove from Little hockp therefore be it Resolved, tr.a.t we, the members of the Ci.t,%,• Council and heads of Departments of the city gover?ii�ent, hereby express our respect and esteem for him, our gratitude for the fait#ful and unselfish services he has ever rendered the city and the people, our rer,ret at his departure, our best wishes for the welfare anti happiness of htnself and loved ones i:rhera their lot ,-!ay be cast, and the hope that conditions j may be such that he and his family may sometime return to Little Rock and resume their - residence in this city. � Adopted; Sd i,em ' S?; 19186 4�A_kl y -j/ Playo r. Attest: City Clerk.