1099W` a _'�E60LLTTIOL- PJO. 1099. whereas, a large number of advertising signs have been placed alone t'_.e streets of Little ?ock by the Good :wade aervice' Company, which signer were not placed under the supervision of the City Engineer or upon permission from his office, S "o : , Therefore; Ij BE IT RESOL'TED BY 1HIEL,; CI` Y COUNCIL 0 TTT CI`}v 01F LIT TLE ROCI:: That all such signs of said company or of any other person, fizfii or corporation, placed upon or along the streets of Tittle Rock., which were not placed under the supervision of th& City En- gineer or under direction or authority of his office, be removed at once, and that a copy of this resolution be certified.by the City Clem., to be served upon olie of tI_e executive officers of Ij said company, and said signs shall be removed within a period of ten days from the date of the service of said copy. 'he Cite. Engineer shall ii.ake a survey of said signs at the expiration of said ten -day period and shall report back to this council as to co :plia,nce or noncor pliance therewith by the said Good Roads Service Company or any other l,,erson, fire, or corpora -. tion. . dont ed : Janua 9, 1922. Attest: V, A City Clerk. t F k rprroved: '.ayor .