* R- E- S- O- L- U- T -I -O -N
No. 1€90.
WHEREAS, it has come to the attention of the
City Council that valiant service was rendered this City,
in the prevention of a most heinous crime at the City Park
on the night of April first, by Officers Geo.'N.- Moore, John
W.Cabiness, O.N.Martin and T.L.?iooter, and but for the
alertness of said officers another crime would have been
committed in the City, to the regrets and mortification of
this entire people, and
WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Mayor and Members
of tf,is Council that Chief Rotenberry -ind all of his officers,
especially the ones mentioned in this resolution, know the
high esteem and deep appreciation we have for such services.
NOW, THE E'FORE, be it resolved by the City Council
of the City of Little Rock that Chief of Police Burl C.
Rotenberry, and Officers Geo.W.Mloore, John 'd.Cabiness, O.N.
1.1artin and T.L.Hooter be cited to aY.)pear before this body at
its next regular m -eting and receive the expression of appre-
ciation for services well performed in the line of duty, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, th?t a copy of this resolu-
tion be spread upon the minutes of this council and a copy of
same handed to the within named officers.
.Adopted: April 4, 1921.
City Clerk.