1085UA PA P SO�U'l I ON No. 1085. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS WHEREAS* a great number of the subscriptions to the new City Hospital Fund of the City of Little Sock are unpaid, and, WHEREAS, the said new City dos pital is in the course of construction and there are obligations of the City due and pay- able thereon which must of necessity be immediately discharged, and there is not now credited to said fund any money to apply upon said obligations, and, WHEREAS, unless the said subscriptions are collected with- out further delay they will become very difficult of collection, to the probable great detriment of the City, and, WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient, proper and imperative that an efficient agency be employed to enforce the prompt payment of the said subscriptions, and by suit if necessary; Board of Public Affairs NOW TiERFFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Zx �kx t of Little hock be and Sc is hereby authorized, empowered and directed to employ :iessrs. iieid, Cray, '9urrom & I,icDonnell, Attorneys, of Kittle Hock, Arkansas, to immediately make collect- -, and acco,int to the city _ -,_or, all unpaid subscriptions to the new City Hos nital Fund, for a reasonable comrensation, to be fixed by the Niayor and to be -paid only out of said subscrip- tions as collected, and not otherwise. Adopted: January 24, 1921. Attest: Uity clerk. -n-proved: Aayor .