1015�rr b y 't RESOLUTION 110. i �. J f Whereas, the Southwestern Mausoleum Company has made a proposal to the Board of Commissioners of Oakland Cemetery, under date of May 27, 1918, to erect a compartment mausoleum, with two hundred ninety crypts, at a total cost of 044600, ap- proximately 015000 of which is to be advanced at stated periods by said Board of Commissioners and 429500 of said purchase price to be raised by the Southwestern Mausoleum Company by selling; additional crypts, And Whereas, the Southwestern Iglausoleum Company pro- poses to finance said building without the City of Little Rock or the said Board of Commissioners incurring any liability what- ever therefor in excess of the amount above recited as an ad- vancement: Therefore, Be it resolved by the City Council of Little Rock, Arkansas, that the Board'of t'ublic Affairs, the i3oard of Commissioners of Oakland Cemetery, and the City ittorney, acting jointly, are hereby authorized to execute a contract with the Southwestern ,iausoleum Company along the lines of the proposition submitted by that company upon I,iay 27, 1918, the authority of the said Hoard of Public Affairs, Board of Commissioners, and City Attorney being restricted as follows: 1. Pao liaoility whatever shall be incurred by tn.e City of Little Rock, any board or department thereof, in excess of the 915000 above referred to. 2. she cost incurred in the erection of said mausoleum shall not exceed tp_e sum of 445000. 3. loo contract slaall be executed until the I Southwestern Mausoleum Company has filed a good. and suf- ficient bond, in such sum as the Board of Public Affairs, the Board of Commissioners of Oakland Cemetery, and the City Attorney shall in their discretion reouire, in any event not less than 010000. ,. up Upon the execution of said contract, the properly con- stituted officials of this city shall and are hereby directed to execute a deed conveying to the Southwestern Iausoleum Company sufficient space in staid cemetery for the erection of said mauso- leum. The title to said space and to the building to be erected thereupon, however, shall, under the terms of any deed executed, `, revert to the City of little pock as soon as I. "'44500 has been (J realized out of said mausoleum by the Southwestern Mausoleum Company. Other .utters in connection with said contract are left to the discretion of the Board of Public Affairs, the Board of ;� 11 Commiss'_oners of Oakland Cemetery, and the City Attorney, acting jointly as boards or through their presiding officers. r 4 --�- -1 Apbroved: Mayor Attest: City C Ze'r-k .