1065A • IRESOLUTION NO. I Drs . A 11j1j0UI4U'PION P RrII'1"1'ING II. A . KNO1'�LTON, WHO HAS 13;:I��N ?�I'POINT:��D RBGISTR'-;R OF VITAL STATISTICS FOR THE CITY OF LIT`T'LE,, ROCK, TO RECEIV'r. AND KEEP THE FEES PAID BY THE COUNTY FOR SAID WORK AS REGISTRAR. 4HEREAS, H. A. Knowlton has been aprointed by the State Health Officer as Registrar of vital statistics for the City of Little ;oek, and WHEREAS, the duties as said Registrar do not con- flict with I,Ir. Knowlton's work as City Clerk, and '&ZR^.AS, The City of Little Rock, without expense, Rets the benefit of a permanent record of All deaths and births, THERF,FOP,E BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUVCIL OF THE C TTY OF ATTLE ROCK: That H. A. Knowlton is hereby rer fitted to retain personally all funds received from the County., fees "or services as Registrar of vital statistics for the City of Little '..look. --And lt-,e it further resolved that the additional allovurance for office expense of $ 25.00 Per month shall not be affected by this resolution. This shall be in full force and effect fro�i date of January 22, 1920. Adorted: April 5, 10,20. Attest: Y4/tyv le r k Approved: ,rT*� vor. . 1 j