10584 JO i Y. R E T I 0 11. 4 i- ereas, it is found to be necesslar -T, in order to rca ace the fire hazard and protect the intorest of the property owners of Little Rock,* that the highest degree of efficiency be attained in the city's Fire Departizent, and iereas, in order to attain such efficiency among regulations, necessary fire drills should be made by the men emplo�Ted in the Fire Department at stated intervals, under the supervision of the Chief of the Fire Department and his assistants, now, therefore, B17-' IT ?:aOLVID, That the Chief of the Fire Department is hereb_;T directed to immediately inaug -crate in the Fire bep.�rtment, a system of Modern fire drills which shall cue conducted at least once every .',reek by each Company. ��� //1-1� C I,- .