1056B.esolution. l'Tiae 2eas, Ca_)t. Jno. T' ames, a -public �ealth service man of long e)cperience has been highly reco. vended to t_le Uayor G.nd City Council, by SurSeon General Blue of the U. S. P. H. S., as a _:lan well qualified to f ill the ir-q.portant _position of City Hec lth Officer of the City of Little Roc't, 2nd Whereas, the City of L5 the h'OC!T iS, at 7r .'sent, '.'1tilQUt a qualified health officer and is badly in need of L coLr_ e tent official in that imjorta.nt office, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUT3CIL OF TH'] CITY OF LITLI TI,E R C'1: That the Board of PLiolic be and it is hereby authorized Y and directed to contract with Ca--)ta.in Jno. Thames for his ser, vices as Public Health Officer fog- a _.eriod et.�iri: Aril, 1521, at a salary not- to exceed 33600 _)er year durinS said period, said contract to be in substLnce the same as the draft of the pro�Dosed contract read before the Council upon this date. And the Board of Public Affairs is- directed to- 73erf o-rn all ot'ier acts and things necessary to ria' >e said contract binding and effective for said - period and to give jurisdiction to said health officer, for said nei -iod, over all )ublic health work i�-�• the City of Little-Rock and also over the City Hos_)ital, sa_::e to subject to such rules and regulatio-ns as ::lay hereafter be _provided by the Hospital and Health Co", ittee, the Board of Health and this Council. Adopted: August 11, 1919. Atte ity Clerk. Approved: