1005�y Av �--- RESOLUTION N0. as WHEREAS, the City of Little Rock and the University of Arkansas Medical Department have entered into a. contract whereby the City tkrough its City Hospital furnished nurses for the University surgical and dispensary clinics, the Univ- ersity of Arkansas Medical Department azreeine; to pay to the Cit7 of Little Rock for said services, the sum of ffIXTY DOLLARS ($60.00) per month, and WHEREAS, this arrangement will entail more work upon the head nurse at the City Hospital, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY TIM CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK: That the sum of TWENTYFIVE DOLLARS P25.00) per month be added to the salary of the head nurse at the City Hospital beginning with the month of January, 1918; the salary of the head nurse shall remain as increased by this resolution so long as the University of Arkansas Medical Department pays to the City the sum of SIXTY DOLLARS ($6C.00) per month under its contract with the City or until other arrange m is are made by the City Oouncil of the City of Little Roc Pas Att u Appro �71