1002TUR of +`ittir Rork JAS. LAWSON, CITY COLLECTOR JOHN W. ROGOSKI, DEPUTY CITY COLL LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS J R E S O ri U T I 0 N, LT 0/ or �!- :hereas, iarrants of the City of Tittle Rock, aggregating Hive Hundred aeventy Five Thousand � -No Dollars( 11575,000. )mat-re on January 10 1918, and the City will not have funds to ?pay these warrants :,hen they mature, T�:REFORE,BE IT RESOLVE% BY T �M, i ITY COUi1CIT, OF THE CITY ( 1; LITTI ROCK: That the Board of Public :affairs and Finance Committee be authorized and directed to imme=liately enter into negota.tions with present heldets of these warrants for renewal, or to immediatly be Tin negotations elselnihere for funds. so as to pay the warrants, thereby carinz fo^ the credit of the City. Adopte 1, 1117 litteatt City Clerk. A x M r