11140 ,; RRSCLUTICN NO. 1114. upon a petition of many clerks and employes stores and *kanks, the City Council of the City of 'Little Roc'_c ordefed a special election to determine the sentiment of the whole people, and liR'Rr:AS, the election returns shovv that the DayLight 0aving Plwn would inconvenience a majioTity,AaAIYI _shown by 'vote of 6640 against and 1146 for it, and udTRREAS, it is evident that more time for recreation and rest for the Cle-r Is, and those who work inside, is to be desired, and is needful for the best interests of this class of employes, 40+� T IT RESOLVTLD, by the City Council of the City of Little lock that we urgently recommend that all storestIn4 offices close one hour earlier than the present closing hour, beginning May 14th, and continuing until September and that on :;aturday evenings all stores close at B-30 P.11. instead of 10:2.M. Adopted: May 8, 1922. Approved: A t 8 t tLo� -�� � Mayor. City : ierk. f